A Bit Of Statistic

… WOW, looks as my site set a new record getting 1466 hits couple days ago
(even if I did nothing to promote it as planned, but I still have a hope ;o) And
the  most  popular pattern  is  still  Vintage Rose Cap  pattern, which  was
downloaded 18314 times so far.

Statistic1 Statistic2

Many  Thanks to  everyone for Your continued interest, sweet emails and such
kind of words. You all completely make my days and give me such support and
powerful motivation! I LOVE you!! You are the BEST!!!

Sincerely yours,

Thursday’s Moments 4. Sushi

Can you believe it’s a Thursday again?! And it’s Thursday’s Moments time…
Funny that I count myself as sushi fan, but I can’t eat uncooked fish (at least
without species) even if I love seafood and prefer if to meat and  poultry. The 
only “raw” fish I love are saba (mackerel) and herring (with no sugar for sure  
– just salted  and  marinated with species in oil).  Kristin  is on the same page
with me and above are her favorite sushi  … well they are only ones she likes
so far ;o) I  have much  longer list of my  favorite sushi as well as salads  and
another  cooked  seafood  like iSushu offers – one of our all time favorite.

Happy Thursday everyone! Have a Wonderful and Lovely day!

Spring Flowers. Free Crochet Scarf Pattern

Spring Flowers Logo

This lightweight crochet scarf with flower edging is a super spring accessory and can provide a bit of warmth for the days when  it is  a little chilly as well as providing some additional color and texture to outfits.

Spring Flower41

Such a fun project, which takes just a couple hours and can be made in any plain or multicolored
yarn. Not to mention that this sweet flower edging may be used for blankets, pillows, sweaters, halters… well, whatever you can think of! A great gift idea too!

This eBook is available for download for FREE.

Download: spring_flowers_scarf_v1.pdf
Updated: January 25, 2011
Size: 1.3 MiB

Finished Measurements: 4” wide x 40” long

* The pattern involves crochet skills ONLY.

Yarn: Ornaghi Filati Alicante (100% Egyptian Cotton 50g (1.75 oz)/138yd):
#65 key lime – 2 skeins.

6 pages; 5 pictures, 2 diagrams
Spring Flowers Pages

Please read and follow my copyright info. THANK YOU! Also, this pattern has not been tested, so  if you  find any  mistakes or typos,  please let me know and I will fix it.

You made this! page update

… and another You made this! page update. What a TREASURE!!! If You
have made something from one of my patterns or just got inspired by my
designs, please  feel  free  to send me  the  pictures  and  I’d honored to
show off Your creation. It’s absolute PLEASURE to receive the pictures of
yours such ADORABLE and SWEET little Cuties!!!
Thank you so much! You are the BEST!!

Happy Monday to everyone! Have a wonderful and productive day!

Thursday’s Moments 3. The Bead

Can a simple bead inspire you for the design?! ;o)

Happy Thursday everyone!!

Spiraling Spirals

Spiraling Spirals
What a wonderful and inspiring collection! Many thanks to DustyPixies
for including my Celtic Pink Scarf pattern.

Finished on the 15th. FaveCrafts Blog Hop for January


Blog-Hop-ButtonThe 4th FaveCrafts Blog Hop  is live and  active!
Take a blog hop to check what other crafty souls
have been up to this month.

The “Finished on the 15th” blog hop is where you
get to showcase your work: show everything you
made so far this month, from DIY home decor and
holiday decorations to homemade clothing and general craft projects.

With our two Christmas, New and Old New Years to celebrate, work on
new face of my site I had not much time to work on my Spring/Easter’11
projects, but I have something I finished this month ;o)

Scarlet Red Scarf
Scarlet Red Scarf.

Serendipity Scarf 3
Serendipity Scarf.

Bolero (well, almost finished – still need weave in ends and sew white
organza ruffle trim)

Sneak peak
… and a little sneak peak of projects I’m working now ;o)

A Wonderful weekend to everyone!

Thursday’s Moments 2. Maranta

My most favorite indoor plant I even adopted is Maranta, genus of about
20 species of evergreen, rhizomatous perennials from rainforest in tropical
Central and South America. The Maranta’s (Prayer Plant) leaves fold up at
night hence the common name. When dusk falls, their handsomely marked
leaves fold up to ‘pray’… 

Have a Wonderful day and
Happy Old New Year to everyone, who celebrate!! ;o)

Featured Yarn 34. Cascade Yarns Ultra Pima. Cotton

I am working with Ultra Pima from Cascade and must admit I felt in love
in instant ;o) This is super soft DK-weight Pima Cotton with a wonderful
feel and sheen. With 220 yards per skein and lovely range of colors this
machine washable cotton works  just perfect for almost any spring and
summer project.
Cascade Ultra Pima

Cascade Ultra Pima SceinCascade Ultra Pima Shade Card01

Cascade Ultra Pima Shade Card02 Cascade Ultra Pima Shade Card03
Pima cotton is also called Extra Long Staple (ELS) cotton. It is considered
to be one of the superior blends of cotton, and is extremely durable and
absorbent. This pima cotton is grown in Peru, which is where pima cotton

Ultra Pima has strong vibrant colours, and the yarn has a sheen which
gives knitted garments a beautiful finish.


where to buy: here, here and here just to name a few.

Thursday’s Moments. 1.Tea Time

… One of my goals for this year is to study a photography a bit, finally!  No,
I  do not  plan  to change  my business  :o)  or  even consider myself as
photographer, but learn to take not such bad pictures sounds like a plan.
I wish I would have time to visit all my favorite photographing blogs and
read all great favorite books and articles, but I feel practice is also not a
last thing too LOL.  And it’s how this new  Thursday’s Moments Category
was born. Here every Thursdays time to time I’ll  share pictures with some facts and
moments  from my life or my favorite things, with  a  little description  as
well…  So, lets go!
TEA TIME. I always was totally crazy on coffee, but last year noticed that
much prefer tea and one of  my  favorite now flowering teas.  Pictured is
Butterfly Floret (green tea with fresh Jasmine) by Primula Tea. Another
my absolutely  favorite  place to  buy tea is Upton Tea Imports – such a
variety of  teas and amazing custom  service. And I just love Teavana’s
Perfect TeaMarker. What a net idea.

What is your favorite drink? And places to buy? If you would like to share
– You are Very Welcome!!

Oh, and please feel free to comment on pictures – I always so appreciate
any comments, critique,  tips. So  many  things  to study, but  looks  as I
hooked ;o)

To be continued…

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