Category: In The News

New Vision. New Me. New Avatar ;o)

Thanks so much to everyone for voting and advices. I’ll definitely count them in future attempts!
So, the winner is photo #1 … and I bet that is because I forgot to offer an option #3: neither one 🙃
P.S.: Oh, and comment “ А сколько различий нужно найти на этих картинках? 😜 (how many differences we have to find in these pictures)” just made my day 😅

Hi guys!!! It’s not so easy to come back after almost a year away from here, but I miss you and I have tons of news to share!

I bet many of us have had ups and downs in 2020 and spent the year differently from what was planned. I disappeared from social networks, but was more productive than ever with work on new designs, finished a lot of courses and webinars on topics that were always interesting, but I always did not have enough time.. As well, we are totally re-organazed our home, everyday life and some habits.

One of the latest “achievements” – just couple days ago, I made first selfies for the avatar in my mini studio. Of course, I still have to learn how to set-up light and edit portrait photos, but if count that I hate to be pictured, it’s truly was a challenge for me 😎

… And, now there is a dilemma – which photo to choose: 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ ?! Help, please! ;o)

PS: A special Thanks for the background © HAKINMHAN! The warm morning water with a lemon, the desire to see such a blue sky in Seattle every morning, the expectation of spring – everything is what making me happy!

Hello, April!

Video: Werble-234EF0850

YAY! I just finished course in mobile shooting and photo editing by amazing @photo_by_lada and even got a Certificate. ⠀

Here are my finals and photos before… and my Certificate of course 😜 Next course is video… wish me luck!

Color of The 2020 | Classic Blue

YAY!!! It’s official: Pantone announced Wednesday night that its 2020 Color of the Year is Classic Blue, a shade is what most people would call cobalt or royal blue blue—my MOST favorite color for at least last 10 years 💙💙💙 ⠀

Laurie Pressman, the vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, which selects the Color of the Year said: “It’s a color that anticipates what’s going to happen next”.


What is your relationship with blue❓
➀ Yay!
➁ We have never met
➂ No no no! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

In The News


👋🏻 Hi-hi dear friends!! How is your summer? It looks like summer has not come here yet in Seattle, but it works for me and my challenges and tasks😉

✅ One of my latest 10 days-challenge was 3000 kettlebell swings (300 every morning). We done it yesterday 💪🏻 Both, Igor and I lost 7-8 lbs and feel full of energy! Funny, but most challenge to us was to be in gym at 5:00 am and wake up at 4:15 am…

✅ Another challenge was to complete work on my new kind of patterns called LIM (Less Is More). …And first pattern is done!! YAY!!! I’ll share more details soon!

✅ Next challenge was to create every day a new swatch and note design ideas with it. 30 swatches are done. Two projects are in work now and one done (I work on pattern now).

✅ Also, I wanted to find a perfect bamboo blend yarn for summer projects. And after testing a bunch of them, I finally found yarn I love 😍 See my next post for details.

🤓 And last, but not least coming challenge… is survive a week in Las Vegas – San Diego. Yes, we are going to a little trip in a two days 🥰

Yeah, but I missed blogging again… probably it’s a good idea for new challenge?! 🤔😉

In The News


“Regular posting?”- No, I have not heard…🙈

If seriously, spring is always so exciting, creative and busy for me (especially April) that I was really surprised that my last post was March 21st.

This month so far:
✔️ I met 2 deadlines.
✔️ Discovered and fell in love with new crochet technique.
✔️Created on its basis three designs that I think will be the beginning of a new era in my work.
✔️ Designed our garden, decided on plants, even bought our very first columnar apple trees and dwarf pomegranates.

… And most importantly ✔️, I finished à la Koval Petit lace coat pattern, which will be released on April 21!

23 charts, some innovations in pattern-style and a written description of course. But if you prefer diagrams – this pattern is a dream for you to deal with 😉 I think this pattern is my the biggest project after Imagical crochet pattern books, but I am so happy I did it!!

How is yours Spring?
Have a lovely and wonderful day!! 😘😘😘

My Current Project Updates

One more pattern I want to finish before start to work on a secret project for Fall 2019 issue of my lovely Interweave Crochet 🥰

Can you recognize this design?! Oh, yes. It took a long time to get back to this design 🙈 But I am so glad I did it!

Below are back details and a question for you:

Which version of back insert do you like more if any?
1 – like on white coat
2 – like on turquoise one
3 – no any

P. S.: Curious what’s the final one?! 🤓

For more details and progress pictures and more news, please visit my Instagram’s page @allakovaldesigns. You are heartily invited and very welcome to join me! Let’s stay connected:

I’m Back!

Hi dear friends!
This year … I almost did NOT: changed specialization, fell in love with summer, visited China, Ukraine, Israel…
But the list of happenings come true is much longer!
What a saturated, unpredictable and spontaneous, but sure wonderful and amazing year!
We started this year with total remodeling of our front and back yards. I was so hooked with landscape design, learn a lot, designed and we are so happy with our old new yards! ⠀
Graduated from several interesting courses: marketing, illustrator, branding. A lot of things I want to share and try, but to be honest, in my head is still a mess a bit of excess information 🙈
⠀ ⠀
I will definitely share other news, new designs and patterns. But, today I want to wish you Happy Thanksgiving and I can not wait to show you to the gifts and deals that I have prepared for you!

Hello, Spring!!



Yay, are you excited for Spring as much as I do?! ;o)

I work on the pattern of this lace coat shown above, wish me luck please! I also have a two blankets designed – still need to write the patterns too. Seems designing and crocheting are more fasten for me that write patterns last time, ugh! Probably I need just a little break.


Also I have a big project this year – re-do our front and back yards, including removal two of our 7 huge trees, change fence and make a totally new design for our back yard. I am super excited about this project!!


See you tomorrow!

In The News | Part 1


Hi Friends! Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet here … just besides working on four projects and studying, February continues to challenge us.

The month was started with second fly we got this year. We have been sick only once in the last three years.

A couple weeks ago, our lovely Chihuahua got a flux and and her tooth was removed :(

Plus some more unexpected problems…

But most sad thing happened is that our planned trip to China on February 28 was canceled. Because the travel organizer’s house was burglarized and all 6 passports were stolen, as Sergey just got is all our Chinese visas. Sergey studied in China and speaks perfect in Chinese and knows the country well. This trip was planned as a celebration of his anniversary, a meeting with friends and relatives, and tourism of course. We will get our passports tomorrow, but Sergey had a Russian passport and here is about 2 months to get a new one…

On positive note, I have lots of good news to share… stay tuned for the next broadcast!


(Rus) Друзья, привет! Я не пропала… просто помимо работы над четырьмя проектами и учебой, февраль нас продолжает держать в тонусе.

Месяц начался с гриппа – второго за этот год, караул какой-то. Мы за последние три года болели только раз.

Пару недель назад, у нашей чувавки не по-детски опухла щека, естественно мы тут же поехали в ветклинику. Но, к сожалению, нам попалась не опытный врач, и бедная Пиксеныш не отделалась легким испугом. Благо, что фраза “заживает как на собаке” – правда…

Плюс еще пара-тройка неожиданных проблем на ровном месте.

Но, “ягодкой на торте” стала наша запланированная на 28 февраля поездка в Китай, которая не состоится. У нашего замечательного друга, который учился в Китае, и до сих пор шикарно говорит по-китайски и хорошо знает страну, в этом году юбилей. И Сергей, нас, своих российских друзей и родственников решил собрать в Китае. Все было замечательно, он взял на себя все организационные вопросы, сделал всем визы, мы договорились заехать к нему за паспортами …и за день до этого случилось абсолютно невероятное – его дом ограбили, разбив балконную дверь, и утащив все, что было ценного и …все 6 паспортов. Занавес. Мы уже завтра получим новые паспорта, но визы нужно покупать заново. В ообщем-то не проблема, но у Сергея российский паспорт и его восстановление займет до двух месяцев…

Но, все же, хороших новостей больше и о них в следующем эфире.

Life Lately | June News & Updates



What a busy, exciting and full of surprises month for many reasons!!

Well, we love beginning of every June, because here are al least 4 reasons: our Anniversary, Igor’s parents and my dad Birthdays (my daddy turned 70 this year, oh my – I can’t believe it!!)

In the other news, can you imagine that Kristin graduated middle school?! And sure, MOST exciting news is that yesterday, Igor and Kristin started a-little-trip-around-world-in-23-days (Thailand-Ukraine-Israel) and this morning they landed in Thailand for 5 days! I had many trips with my dad during my childhood, and I bet this one will be unforgettable for our daughter as well as for Igor! I am so happy we did this happened! I did not join because, unfortunately, I am not in good “relationships” with summer and hot weather, but I am looking forward for Europe-trip in late spring or early fall someday ;o)

So, I have 22 more days, which are already scheduled and seems pretty busy. This morning I started another yoga challenge and already took 6:00 am class. I really feel so blessed to afford myself back to work after months of dealing with “golfer’s elbow tendinitis (and I am not a golfer ;)) Not fan at all, but giving my poor hand some rest and treatment, I feel so happy and excited back to work! Plus I got a garden-aka-new-hobby since I can’t just sit and do nothing, and to my surprise, I definitely hooked!

Oh, we also did modeling for my newest hats. Many thanks to Lana Maytak for photo-shoot and her friend for such lovely adorable models!! More photos of another designs coming soon ;o)






Lady Bug Hat05W_thumb[2]


Below is another option of Ladybug hat… I really LOVE how playful this design is! Not to mention that testing pattern, I created a Marguerite hat (pretty close to that blue/white hat, but with some unusual details ;o)) The pattern for hats and Marguerite Pin is coming pretty soon!! I’ll keep you updated!


Lady Bug Hat04W_thumb[1]


A wonderful and lovely Tuesday anyone!!

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