» Thursday's Moments » Thursday’s Moments 2. Maranta
Thursday’s Moments 2. Maranta
January 13, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
My most favorite indoor plant I even adopted is Maranta, genus of about
20 species of evergreen, rhizomatous perennials from rainforest in tropical
Central and South America. The Maranta’s (Prayer Plant) leaves fold up at
night hence the common name. When dusk falls, their handsomely marked
leaves fold up to ‘pray’…
Have a Wonderful day and
Happy Old New Year to everyone, who celebrate!! ;o)
Wow, is that Thursday already!? I was still going to comment on your previous photo, which is beautiful, btw, and our family shares your love for tee! However, this week’s photo is gorgeous, and educational! And I love that you’re sharing your photos with us, I am looking forward to seeing them every week and following your progress!
Hehehe, Ira, so I’ll be your Thursday’s reminder :) Thank you so much Sweetie! I’m so excited with this new category too ;)