Monthly Archives: August 2009

Last camping this season I guess ;)

We’ve had an other outstanding weekend this last weekend and had a
Blast at Lake Chelan, WA and then back to camping at Wenatchee, our
most favorite and lovely place.
This time we brought Kristin’s best friend Karina … Well, they’ve started
camping in a car and looks as had a Fun LOL!
I think, it was our last camping this year and I’ll really wonder if Seattle’s
weather will spoil us with such delight summer next year. But here are
always an option to visit Chelan, Wenatchee or any other places like
these. We will see…
For now, we have only two weeks before Kristin back to school, so here
are lots things what to do … And Oh my, but how to put back myself into
working mood after such Wonderful summer, is here any ideas?! ;o)
I hope you enjoined your summer too, such Fun and Lovely time!

Happy Monday everyone!!

In the news… and some giveaway for you

First, I’m so glad to letting you know that ALL my patterns finally resized
and are available in sizes 2 to 12 years, and were edited by professional
techeditor. Thank you so much again Joan!! It is always such a Pleasure
to work with you!!! I’ve sent to everyone an updated versions, but if you
accidently did not get yours, please just let me know.  The another SUPER
exciting new is that I’m working with Wonderful Barbara, who’s translator
from Germany and have already translated several my patterns. I plan to
open my first German’s online store just a couple days. Stay tuned! Hiiiiiiiii
Oh… and here some others news I can’t wait to share… But please allow
me tease you a bit ;o)

And now is my absolute pleasure… offering something for you ;)

I’ve just listed on Etsy 3 different value coupons with a great deals, please
click here, here and here for details.

coupons copy
And a traditional little giveaway. To FIRST 3 person, who  leave a comment
on this post,  I’m offering a Bag (10 balls per 25 gr each) of this Amazingly
soft multicolored plush from Online Cocu in ANY of these 5 colors. Just since
I have only one bag of each color, so 1st winner will pick from 5 colors, 2nd
from 4… etc. This yarn is so great for any quick vest or wait coat project.
Your little one will not be disappointment! Please click pictures to enlarge.

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farbe104 farbbe112
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Have a FUN and GOOD LUCK!!! ;)


CGOA has a official blog! Make sure to check CGOA Now!


School supplies online… why not?! ;)

schoolsuplies copy
WOW!!!!!!! We’ve just got our school supplies for 2nd Grade and spent
less than 1/2 hour… can you believe that?!!!!! Many Thanks to Teacher
for such Awesome service and Net site! It cost us $35 plus
$5.95 shipping, but with order $79+ shipping is free. The only thing we
did not find is Box of Kleenex, but I’m SURE we can forgive them this ;o)
… And they have some really great deals!! Well, if count that Kristin and
I not “that” shopping fun girls, we are Fans FOREVER :)) LOL Make sure
to check them out!

Depeche Mode at Key Arena, Seattle ‘2009

depecheMode DepecheMode-D.M.Remixes-Promo2009
Depeche Mode is never disappointing. What an amazing show they put
on. Energy, electricity. Opening song, In Chains, amazing. Gives the whole
mass of fans a taste for the direction of the concert.
Oh and with true Depeche Mode fashion, they gave two fantastic encores,
and left the crown begging for more. We had an Absolute pleasure! Not to
mention these wonderful memories from the past… called…
A blast from the past… Ukraine. I was 17 and have moved to another city,
where I spent greatest 5 years as a student of University of Economy.
…Always no money… min food and sleeping…  black nail polish… Metallica,
Alice Cooper, Ария, Depeche Mod, Queen, Алиса, Черный кофе… just to
name a few. Would I ever expect that I’ll live here and visit Depeche Mod
concert some other day?! … Life is WONDERFUL, isn’t?! ;o)

A wonderful weekend

I think this year in Seattle is most Wonderful and sunny summer we ever
had here. So, we are  trying offer to Kristin as much outdoor activities as
we can and sure so enjoy them too ;o) This weekend we visited such so
Beautiful Lake Wenatchee State Park and had wonderful camping time
with our friends. 
wenatcheelake2 wenatcheelake71
… Lots of activities: wind surfing, swimming, bike fun, camp fire… just to
name a few.  
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Kristin started love running in the mornings; ride a daddy and was don’t
mind to allow Alex to take a close up shoot LOL!
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Pixie looked excited too and spent many time with kids and had a fun with
good puppy boy Simba, who younger her for 2 days… and like all puppies,
loved spend some time on the hands ;)   
wenatcheelake1 pixie pixie2
On the next day after beach, we with our friends have visited one of our
favorite places since so long, German city Leavenworth, were had some
walking and Yummy dinner… last “activity” of the day, but definitely not
least ;o)
leavenworth1 leavenworth3 leavenworth5
annyaalex leavenworth6 annya
P.S: Oh my, I’m still sooo out of my schedule, but decided to be not such
hard on myself and must admit that feel much better ;) If seriously, I am
going to hurry back to work, BTS things and some other hurry things…

Patterns update

I’m so glad to letting you know that Christmas Grinch jacket pattern is
updated  The pattern is available in sizes 2 (3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 10/12) and
edited by professional Tech Editor. I’ve just sent an updated version to
my dear customers.
grinch_logo copy

And last two, waiting update (Minnie and The Cat in The Hat) patterns
are coming just in a few. WhoooHooo!!!

Stay tuned for some exciting news next week ;)

Happy knitting and
have a Wonderful weekend!

Puppy and I…

A first Kristin and Pixie’s matches set…;)
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I was sure I couldn’t resist to create something for puppy too lol! SUCH A