Royal Blue Liliana. Crochet Jacket Pattern for Kids

Royal Blue Liliana Logo
Introducing a perfect coordinating ensemble for mother and daughter.
Now they can match,  while looking  stylish and  age appropriate! Two
unique jackets for daughter and a flower scarf for mommy are not only
attention grabbers,  but  will keep you  warm and  festive during  chilly
days. Crocheted  with easy-to-find Cotton Chenille yarn, these will be
soft  and  can be made  in a  terrific range of colors! This set would be
perfect for Christmas, Easter,  Portraits  – you  name it. They are even
practical enough to be worn every day, even after the holidays!

Such sweet jacket adds that perfect touch for daughter’s outfit. At the
same  time keeping her warm, she’ll  be   just as cute!! Adorable bows
complete the girly look.
Royal Bue L1 Royal Blue L2
Royal Blue LS1
Royal Blue LSG2
Royal Blue LS2 Royal Blue LSG1
Royal Blue LS3
Sizes: 2 (4, 6, 8, 10, 12) years

Skill level: Intermediate

Yarn: Crystal Palace Yarns Cotton Chenille (100% Cotton/50 g (1.75 oz)
98 yds) #8095 french blue – 5 (6, 8, 9, 10, 12) hanks; Lion Brand©
Yarn  Vanna’s  Glamour (96%  Acrylic,  4% Metallic  Polyester/50 g
(1.75 oz)/202 yds) #109 sapphire – 1 skein; Katia Sevilla (100%
Nylon/50 g (1.75 oz)/153 yds) #26 blue – 1 ball

* This pattern involves crochet skills ONLY.

8 pages, 5 pictures, 3 diagrams, a schematic
Royal Blue Liliana Pages

This pattern has been edited  by  professional Tech Editor and tested
by me. However, please contact me if you may have any questions. I’ll
happily provide email support for any of my patterns.

Copyright:  All  rights reserved. Please  be respectful  to  the designers
right  of  this  pattern.  No portion of  this  work may be photocopied or
reproduced   by any means without written authorization from My Little
Citygirl.  The purchaser of this pattern is  granted permission to sell the
finished product for profit on a limited basis. © Copyright 2010 My Little

This pattern is available in my Shop, Etsy, Raverly, DaWanda and
Artfire stores.
MyLCG daWanda Artfire 90x90 Etsy 60x60 Ravelry

Christmas with a twist

149057_10150317810080517_135249540516_15556784_2597200_n 149057_10150317810075517_135249540516_15556783_5391407_n
What a net idea dress your mantel  with unexpected  color combination
to add some POP to your holiday décor. Make sure visit HomeGoods for
more awesome ideas and some shopping ;o) 

A Wonderful and Lovely weekend to everyone!!

Royal Blue. My Last Mini Collection

… of 2010 year and pretty first, designed for mom and daughters matches
Royal Blue Sneak peek1
All four crochet patterns coming next week – just in time for holidays. 
A kind of gift ideas brainstorming ;o) 

Cyber Monday Sale

Cuber Monday Only! Exclusively on my
* this coupon is applicable to myShop only. Offer expires November 29th,
2010 at Midnight PST time.

Happy Monday everyone!!

It’s a time…

for some amazing deals and I’m SO glad to offer you:

* this coupon is applicable to myShop and Etsy stores. Offer expires
November 26th, 2010 at Midnight PST time.

MyLCG Etsy 60x60

Have a Fun! Cyber Monday Deals are coming ;o)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Card

P. S.:  Not  sure I’ll be that  much around here tomorrow and I guess you
are too ;o) But looking forward  to see you then  –  for some unbelievable
Black Friday and  Cyber  Monday Deals,  which  are waiting  for you.  Stay

With lots of Love,

Polar Bear. Crochet Coat Pattern for Kids

Polar Bear Crochet Logo

As a mom, I always loved clothes that can “grow” with your baby. This
one can  be  her first coat and later a jacket –  crocheted with amazing
Cotton Chenille yarn,  this coat is so comfy and will quickly become her

… And now our traditional little Giveaway: First 3 persons,  who leave
comment on this post will receive this pattern via email in PDF format for
FREE!! Good luck and have a Fun!!
Kids-polar-bear-november-133 Kids-polar-bear-november-066
Sizes: 12M (18M, 2T, 3/4T, 5/6T)

Skill level: Intermediate

Yarn: Crystal Palace Yarns Cotton Chenille (100% Cotton/50 g (1.75
oz)/98 yds) #3106 alaskan blue – 7 (8, 9, 11, 13) balls

* This pattern involves crochet skills ONLY.

Polar Bear Crochet Pages

8 pages, 7 pictures, a schematic

Polar Bear Both Knit Crochet Logo

And if you are interesting in both: knit and crochet versions of this coat,
I’m offering another eBook, which include both knit and crochet versions.
What a deal!

PLEASE NOTE: If you already purchased knitted version and interesting
in crochet version too, just email me  with your  PayPal address and I’’ll
send you invoice with 50% off discount for Polar Bear Crochet Pattern.

Kids-polar-bear-november-072 Kids-polar-bear-november-022 Kids-polar-bear-november-083

11 pages, 10 pictures, 2 schematics

Polar Bear Both Versions Pages

Both patterns has been edited by professional Tech Editor and tested
by me. However, please contact me if you may have any questions. I’ll
happily provide email support for any of my patterns.

Copyright: All  rights reserved. Please  be respectful  to  the designers
right  of  this  pattern.  No portion of  this  work may be photocopied or
reproduced   by any means without written authorization from My Little
Citygirl.  The purchaser of this pattern is  granted permission to sell the
finished product for profit on a limited basis. © Copyright 2010 My Little

These patterns are available in my Shop, Etsy, Raverly, DaWanda and
Artfire stores.
MyLCG daWanda Artfire 90x90 Etsy 60x60 Ravelry

Followers Appreciation Giveaway . The Winner

Thank you

We ended with 55 entries and the Winner is…

1. Maureen Merchant 2. Lindy Lewis
3. Tina Carlborg 4. Susan Ryder
5. Tara Bolduc 6. Cecilia Castro Gomez
7-8. Heather Macias 9. Елена Милова
10. Erika Cooper Hill 11.  Barbara Wyatt
12. Kelly Morrow Heumann 13. Ayesha Imran
14. Sharon Curtis 15. Amanda Gravette
16. Amanda Rice 17. Henrietta Newman
18-19. Lazy Libra 20. Rachel McKay
21. Shannon DeRogatis 22. Martha McDanel
23. Betsy Gnatowsky 24-25. Kristina Adomaitiene
26. Sarah Jones 27. Irina Kutina
28. Anuradha Bahuguna 29. Robin Phillips Knotts
30. Kimberly Huntzinger 31. Janet Brani
32. Alaina Klug             33. Stefanie Gott-Dinsmore
34. Jennifer Hinson 35. Irina Dm
36. Julie Drewry Janzegers 37. Jennifer Cirka
38. Genia Larionova 39. Linda Hinson
40. Dien Sagita 41. Wendy Nikolajew
42. Rachel Groeninger Hakkarainen 43. Kim Wihak
44. Anita Atcheson 45. Lisa Layne
46. Sarah Duggan 47. Beth Parker
48. Kimberly Crow 49. Ada Gurevich
50. Mary Shular 51. Kamran Khalid
52. Lyubov Shumilova 53. Sandra Callo
54. Sherri Hornibrook Weigand 55. Robin Taylor

L i s a  L a y n e!!! CONGRATULAION Lisa! I’ll contact you with
a quick questionnaire shortly.


Many thanks again to each off You!! I’m REALLY happy that you enjoy
everything  and MUCH appreciate all your support and love!! YOU ARE

With lots of love,

  • We are back

    Hola amigos ;o) We just came back from Barcelo Riviera Maya, Mexico,
    full of energy, memories and happiness! This place was really more than
    you can imagine and we will definitely be back!

    Ocean. Turquoise waters about 29o C. Pretty quiet and friendly even for
    babies… oh well, who doesn’t love the ocean?!
    Barcelo O7
    Barcelo O41 Barcelo O2

    Water Pools.  Five really  giant  pools quickly  became  Kristin’s absolute
    favorites. Filled with natural  fresh water with no chloric (!!) they are the
    very first pools I really enjoined too ;o)
    Barcelo P2
    Barcelo P8 Barcelo P5 Barcelo P4
    Barcelo P1
    Barcelo P9

    Water Activities… finally! A vacation with your 9 years old does truly make
    a difference and give your lots of possibilities. Especially if your little one’s
    familiar  with  swimming.  This time we had a blast with our very first two
    hours snorkeling adventure and Kristin was great and we all so enjoined it!
    What an inspiration for my Ocean Friends line to be continue… stay tuned ;o)

    Barcelo S2
    Barcelo S1 Barcelo S3 Barcelo S4

    Diving.  We need to wait just one year more to be able take Kristin with
    us  to  ocean diving,  but we  went ahead and took our first diving class
    even in a pool. Sure we need more to learn but it took only few minutes
    to study before our first dive. Thanks to Eduardo, our trainer guy!
    Barcelo D5
    Barcelo D1 Barcelo D4 Barcelo D3

    Swimming With Dolphins. One of our presents to Kristin on her 9th B-day
    at November, 17. She was Super excited and happy and felt in love with
    dolphins in instant ;o)
    Barcelo SD6
    Barcelo SD2 Barcelo SD3
    Barcelo SD1 Barcelo SD7 Barcelo SD5

    Flora.  If you  know me, you will  no wonder of such  number  of pictures
    below. I’m totally crazy on tropical plants and have successfully adopted
    some of them here, in Seattle area.  What an eye candy…
    Barcelo TP10 Barcelo TP2
    Barcelo TP4 Barcelo TP8 Barcelo TP5 Barcelo TP6
    Barcelo TP7 Barcelo TP9 Barcelo TP13
    Barcelo TP11 Barcelo TP12 Barcelo TP15

    … And Fauna. What a cutie, isn’t it?! LOL BTW, one waiter told us that
    iguanas are big fan of French fries… poor sweeties ;o)
    Barcelo TP17

    Resort. Pure escape… and it was also included ;o)
    Barcelo R5 Barcelo R1
    Barcelo R2 Barcelo R4 Barcelo R3

    Restaurants And Buffets with amazing variety of international kitchens,
    fresh pressed juices and  tropical fruits, delicious yogurts on breakfast
    and such choice of my  absolutely  lovely seafood delicious – 6  days of
    seafood paradise – could I ask for more?! lol
    Barcelo F2
    Barcelo F5 Barcelo F1

    … and another dilemma of choice (which one is first?! :о) JK!
    Barcelo F7

    Evening Shows.  Fun.  Original.  Lovely.  Everyday we were spoiled with
    something special and truly enjoined it!
    Barcelo ES1
    Barcelo ES2

    … yeah, that’s all :o) I feel sorry for such number of pictures, but I have
    excuse. I’ve finally read manual for my D-SLR camera…Almost two years
    later is better than never, right?! … And looks as I hooked. Sure, I have
    LOTS  things  to learn, but  at least  playing  with camera  and got little
    understand what I’m doing was really fun.

    OK. I’m back and here to reply all your emails first of all. Because we got
    confusion  with comments  and participating to my Followers Giveaway,
    I’ll post a list of  participants tomorrow (November, 22th) morning and by
    afternoon  will  select the  Winner with  random number generator. Also,
    release of  crochet version  on  Polar Bear Coat pattern is scheduled at
    November, 23th. Stay tuned.



    Riviera Maya

    … We are so ready and just can’t wait for our escape to Barcelo Riviera
    :o)) We are leaving tomorrow, November 13th and will be back on
    Saturday, November, 20th. I’ll put on vacation mode Etsy, DaWanda and
    Artfire shops tomorrow afternoon, but my patterns are still available  for
    immediately download at some other online stores (click logos below):

    MyLCG_thumb5 YCMT_thumb4 Ravelry_thumb5 Annies-Attic_thumb4 BanberryPlace-copy_thumb7

    In the other news… I plan to release 4 new patterns scheduled late this
    month. Below is a sneak peek of a new look of my site. Do not pay much
    attention to menu and some other details – lots of things still need to do
    and I still have some issues with updating my gallery plugin, but I’m glad
    to upgrade WordPress version and  finally get a chance to install newest
    widgets ;o)

    Sneak peek

    Yesterday I’ve got a sweet email from antiqued faerie that my Dandelion
    Tunic Pattern
    was featured in such delicate and  beautiful Etsy treasury.
    Thank you so much!

    What’s more winsome than a fluffy head of dandelion to wish upon…


    Well, I also have some SUPER news and dying to share, but I can’t do it
    right now… uhhh! I’ll keep you posted as soon as possible! ;o)

    Oh and my Followers Appreciation Giveaway is still running and will end
    November, 22th. Click here for details.  Please note: if you are new to my
    site or never been leaving any comment – your very first comment should
    be  approved by  me first. Please be  patient if here is any delay because
    of vacation. All comments will be count and entered right upon my return!

    Purple Mood Giveaway2

    … I am off to catch up latest emails. Sorry for the delay! I will respond to 
    everyone before leaving for sure.

    Have Wonderful and Lovely weekend!!
    Alla Koval

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