Our Weekend & More
August 15, 2016 | Filled under Life |
I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since my family returned from a trip…
What a busy and fun this summer to enjoy! And as a person who’s really can’t stand the heat, this summer with a temperature of 70-80F is ideal for me ;o))
I am so happy with my “new baby” and I took some pictures to show our garden progress.
Below is a Red Korean ginseng blossom – these tiny pink flowers are pure eye candy. BTW, if gardening is your hobby too, you are welcome to join my Gardening board on Pinterest.
Our patio’s corner. From left to right: Red Korean ginseng, dwarf European Fun palm, Japanese forest grass, lavender tree, dwarf Japanese maple, more ginseng in blue handing container and variety of herb in wood container and even in fun small pots.
My absolute favorite Japanese forest grass:
Delicious Alpine strawberry:
Some vegies and Alpine poppy:
Did I mentioned that I am so enjoy my new garden hobby?! ;o))
On Saturday we visited Ice Caves (North Cascades). Very easy walk to views of Big Four Mountain and the caves beneath the snow, but see show-in-a-summer it’s a key.
And on Sunday Igor, me, Kristin and her friend so enjoined hike to Poo Poo Point. What a LOVELY place!! It was our first hike to Poo Poo Point, but we definitely will be back! There are so many trails we would love to hike. And another my dream is paragliding. Well, it will be a true challenge for me because I always was terribly afraid of heights… but this fear definitely should be fixed ;o))
Ok, now I am hurry back to my lovely work! How is your summer?
A wonderful and lovely Monday everyone!!
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