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In the News ;)

I can’t believe how lovely and exciting summer time we have this year!

Igor and I always worked so hard, last couple years up to 14-16 hours a day, so we decided to take a little break and afford some rest.

Our daughter Kristin also got some “unusual” experience – she’s (with her friend) now at rhythmic gymnastic summer camp (Los Angeles, CA) for 2 weeks. It’s first time when we are separated with her for such long time, and we so glad that she looks so excited and happy!! Not to mention that after camp they do enjoy the ocean ;o)




Since Kristin was never excited for long car trips, we decided to realize one of our dreams of long travel, and yesterday Igor and I drove around Olympic Peninsula – visited Ocean Shores (-20F from Bellevue, but I’ve just LOVED it – I’m not a big fan of 85-90F), Hoh Rain Forest (really big trees, everything else you can see in any park in WA), Forks (vampires stores, High School looks different from what you see in the movie :)), Port Angeles (too many cops for small city), ferry to Seattle (we were lucky to wait only 2 minutes!) …. Tough day… 450+ miles, but with lots of fun ;o)

In two days (on Wednesday), we will fly to LA, CA to pick up Kristin and her friend, and will be back Saturday evening.

AND on Sunday, I’ll off for 3 days trip with Klondike travel to the lavender festival, with a visit to Olympic National Park (Arina, my friend and the owner of Klondike travel, assured me  that we missed lots of thing we must see that area), and then, – Portland, Oregon. How exciting!!


Oh, and just after my return, I’ll post the details of my first four (yes, 4!!! ;) books I’ve almost finished (approx. 75-98 pages each): one of them still need photos (we will work on them just in next couple weeks), some patterns need descriptions and tech editing, books needed introductions, bio, indexes, etc. parts… Oh, but we have covers!!! Here is a sneak peek of Spring book cover (well, even in pretty draft version so far):




P.S.: If I would ever knew how MUCH time would it take to design, learn (and then learn again!), write, draw stitch diagrams and schematic, edit, page making and so on … I would still take that journey again and again! :p)

6 Responses to In the News ;)

  1. 1
    Tina says:

    I am LOVING the cover Alla!! I can’t wait until I can buy it!!

  2. 2
    Alla says:

    Thank you so much Tina!!!

  3. 3
    judy orrego says:

    OMG I can’t wait to get them all. Happy to see that u and your family are having Such a great time. ;)

  4. 4
    Альбина says:

    Ох Аллочка я тоже жду не дождусь твои замечательные книги, это на самом деле грандиозный труд… счастливого вам отдыха!!!

    • Alla says:

      Ал, таки да ;))) У меня фактически 4 месяца ушло дабы научиться рисовать диаграмки и “схемки” в Adobe Illustrator, и на его изучение. Верстка в Adobe ID, заняла меньше времени, т.к. я работала в нем и раньше, – но там свои особенности, если для книги… тем не менее, все это жутко интересно! Опять же, концепция книг, подборка/сочетание дизайнов тоже не маловажна ;) Но изучив все это, я очень рада, что книги подходят к концу, пусть это и заняло два года (след. будут намнОго быстрее, я уверена!) Сейчас изучаю, собственно процесс печати и маркетинга. Вот уж воистину, век живи, – век учись ;)

      P.S.: спасибо огромное за добрые слова!! Всегда очень приятно тебя слышать!

      • Альбина says:

        Мне тоже,взаимно!!! Да я представляю как это должно быть интересно, увлекательно и сложно одновременно, такое большое дело – собственная книга, сколько всего надо знать, изучить… но это да только поначалу зато потом будешь щелкать их как орешки!!! Ты молодчага!!!

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