Sunlit Rose Ensemble
February 17, 2012 | Filled under Creations |
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]oft as rose petals at dawn, this bolero and dress ensemble is sure to win any little girl’s heart! The cropped bolero features dainty tiered sleeves, overlapping fronts tied with ribbon, and stylish flower accents at the neckline and on the back panel, while the matching dress is a vision in delicate rose print trimmed with delightful ruffles.
This was another our collaboration with amazing and beyond talented Francoise Lama-Solet! Give your favorite girl this lovely set and watch how she blooms!
And yes, you are right – this bolero is from my Spring’ 2009 collection and I still owe you a pattern as I promised, but never had a chance to work on it. The good news is that this one on my schedule and I’ll start to work on the pattern next week, right after Butterfly Kisses Scarf pattern, which I almost finished (still need to polish a bit and then send to tech editor).
A Wonderful weekend to everyone! We have sunny day here in Seattle, and looks as couple more to come – fantastic! :o)
very sweet !!! :D
I thought I recognized that bolero! :) What a beautiful collaboration… :D
VERY PRETTY!!!!!! Beautiful as usual!!!
How nice! A absoulutely must have!
is there a pattern for this bolero? It is too cute!