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The Winner

First of all, I would like…

S132 - Thank You Fairy Much

for participation and your sweet comments and wishes. I’m so happy that you are enjoy my work and MUCH MUCH appreciate all your support and love. You are the BEST!!

And our winner is…  D A R S Y  with comment #32:

Luscious looking yarn! Thanks for the 50% off, now I have to decide which pattern I’m going to splurge on!

My Congratulations Dear Darsy!!! I’ll contact You shortly.


Thank you so much again to everyone and have a Wonderful week!

With lots of Love,

8 Responses to The Winner

  1. 1
    Darsy says:

    Yay, thank you! I was just out in our oppressive heat (93, don’t judge, it doesn’t get hot in Pennsylvania) grocery shopping, and like a wilted flower I sat down and checked my email–and perked right up. Thanks again!

    • Sarah Jones says:

      Congratulations Darsy! What a great pick me up. 93 is hot! We get hot here in SE Colorado, but I can’t stand temps over 80. Stay cool!

      • Alla says:

        Sarah, come to Seattle ;) Here is almost never over 80 – especially this year. We still have 48-58 here… brrr

        Darsy, your yarn is packaged and will be on its way in a hour ;)

  2. 2
    Joyce says:

    Hi ALLA,Thanks anyway,maybe next time !Have a WONDERFUL DAY !!! :O)

  3. 3
    judy orrego says:

    Well Darsy congrats ! Enjoy it and Alla I think everyone win with the 50% off thanks and have a nice day !! ^.^

  4. 4
    Ayesha says:

    heheheh what a cute thank you fairy X)
    congrats to the lucky winner ….

  5. 5
    Alla says:

    Thank you Girls!!!

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