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Sick as a dog…

sickasdog copy  
… I bet you hate to be sick too. But a really sad thing is that I’ve missed
my second day of part time job I was so excited to found … Oh, and not
to mention that I’ve lost my voice this morning :( Well, probably that’s bad
just for me LOLLLL!) If seriously… I really hope back to normal in 1-2 days.
I’m doing my best to replying all your emails Sweet Ladies, but I’m so sorry
for any delays. Please be patience with me! I’ll be back as soon as possible,
well you know me… 

P.S.: Hope you are having more likely Monday than me!


7 Responses to Sick as a dog…

  1. 1

    I am so sorry to hear that you are ill Alla! I know how much I hate being sick, so I hope that you are feeling much better and very soon! When did you get a part-time job? We must Skype when you feel better hun! Love ya and get well!

  2. 2
    Irina HoleyFiber says:

    Alla, I hope you feel better very soon! Just take good care of yourself, or better yet let others to take care of you! :)

  3. 3
    Sarah says:

    Yes, please do get your rest. I am sure everyone understands and can wait just fine. I am sorry that you feel this way and I do hope you get to feeling much better sooner than you hope ;) Congratulations on the part-time job! I didn’t even know you were out looking for one. Get well my friend! (BIG HUGS)

  4. 4
    Alla says:

    Thank you SO MUCH my Dear for your support and wishes!!! I’m feeling much better, what a PLEASURE!! Life is Wonderful and SO GOOD!!! :)


  5. 5
    Sarah says:

    Oh that is wonderful!! Glad to hear it ;)

  6. 6
    Людмила says:

    Привет! А кто заболел? Ты же знаешь я в языках того……….

  7. 7
    Alla says:

    Людкин, это была я… Но ща усе нормально и голос вернулся… прикинь, пришлось молчать практически двое суток?! Извелась вся… Жах, одним словом ;) Я бы с удовольствием позвонила на днях, а то и раньше… ты когда дома?! До связи, целую и люблю!!!!

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