Fruity Fun
February 25, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay, Patterns |
WhooHoo, I finally got a chance to finish my Fruity collection!
Some tops are OOAK, but I’m on the half way with writing patterns and hope to finish them soon ;)
To find more details and discover this yummy collection click here or click on links bellow to see each auction:
Watermelon Pineapple Cherry Strawberry
(strawberry is my last year design, but think that it fit perfectly to the theme, so I decided offer it one more time)
Наконец-то выдался шанс закончить мою фруктовую коллекцию!
Некоторые топы OOAK (единственные в своем роде), но я начала работать над инструкциями как их связать ;)
Для более подробной информации о этой коллекции жми здесь или на ссылки выше.
These are gorgeous!! I can’t wait for the patterns to be released on YCMT!!
Thank you so much Linda!!! I’ll keep you updated! ;)
Those are just too cute!! I can’t wait to see them on YCMT!!
Choroscho schto po russki, ato angliskij ja ochen ploxho ponimaju.
Hi Alla!
I would love to test your designs and leave comment. I have already started on the cheveron halter that I purchased and the instructions seem to be written well so far. Thanks for doing this for all of us! I would love to see patterns made for items like the Grinch Sweater!
Heather Macias
Fantastic!! Fantastic!! Fantastic! What more can I say except if you are still looking for someone to make one of these…..please keep me in mind.
Thanks so much for all the patterns and keep up the excellent work.
Ваши работы просто прекрасны! Мне и моей доченьке понравилась фруктовая коллекция. Удачи вам в дальнейшем!