Category: Announcements

New Face

I’m so glad we’ve finally found a time to make the “plastic surgery” and some great upgrades to my site and I just wonder it took us only about 5 hours yesterday + I’ve spent several hours before to customize the new theme (see the look of old one below).


Well, if talking about progress, so far we’ve done:

    • upgraded PHP 4 to 5; MySQL 4.1 to 5 and WordPress 2.2 to 3.1;
    • new face & new header, designed by amazing and so talented Annya of AUA Design (if you are looking for graphic designer, I would heartily recommend Annya! She’s so talented and so amazing to deal with!!)
    • new plugins, like FBLikeButoon, Facebook Share, TweetMeme, SexyBookmarks and some other … I never feel such social :0)

What I am missing so far:

  • gallery;
  • free patterns download;  fixed
  • Google analytics; upgraded
  • life traffic feeds. added

Please be patience with these things – I’ll do my best to fix it as soon as possible (hopefully today)

Plus another thing to do: move it to better hardware to improve speed. moved

Anyways, I am feel happy with all these upgrades, even if here are still lots of work to polish the site …if you find anything broken or have some suggestions, please let me know. Any Your opinions is much much appreciated!! Thank you!

Under maintenance


Currently the site is under maintenance.
Please disregard  header  and possible
some visual issues. 

We will do our best to fix everything as
soon as possible!

Thank you so much for your patience.


P.S.: Just in case if my Shop will be temporally closed, the patterns also
available at Etsy, Raverly, DaWandaArtfire and YCMT.

StoreLogo copy etsy copy daWanda raverly copy 
BanberryPlace copy YCMT_Logo1 copy af_logo_small

Mailing list

mailing list1 As I promised, a Mailing list is finally added and available
in the right sidebar. I’ll be glad to let you know about my
special deals, pattern releases and updates. Thank you
so much again for your interest!! 

mailing list1 As I promised, a Mailing list is finally added and available
in the right sidebar. I’ll be glad to let you know about my
special deals, pattern releases and updates. Thank you
so much again for your interest!!