Yearly Archives: 2009

Daddy’s Girl

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Happy Father’s day to all Wonderful and Lovely Dadds!

It’s official – summer break started

Even if date was changed to 17th, the summer break is started and from
this morning Kristin is a 2nd grader!! :)

Floral Fiesta

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What an awesome summer we are having here in Seattle this year, which
has inspired me to make this Floral Fiesta Tank Top in such bold and festive
summer color combinations, with hints of ivy leaves and splashes of flowers…
Also, I am on the half way with this pattern and plan to finish it in a
couple days …stay tuned. 
And below a couple funny pictures of Kristin I just can’t resist to share 
LOL She was in pretty silly mood and majority of that 200+ pictures we
have took, was like these ;o)
P.S.: Some new patterns will be available just in a few! I’ll keep you

Happy Monday to everyone!!

Bumble Bee

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Just spotted this auction of my Bumblebee vest on eBay and it not
too late to letting you know ;o) Please take a look and grab a deal.

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Blast from the past

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…I believe that listed last time something different than patterns about
a year ago ;o) So, when Gaby offered to join her, I can’t resist and
just have listed on
Etsy this OOAK Knit Tunic. Size: 4 up to slim 7.
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This Tunic is ready to ship and will be shipped from Germany. To find
Gaby’s auction, please click here for details.
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What a reward…

Oh my,  I’ve spent MOST delightful and pleasant time to update my
You made this! page. I have no words to describe how I am Happy
and Blessed with you, my dear customers and  friends and I’m SOO
GLAD that my designs inspire you to create your own such Amazing
and Beautiful things!! Thank you SO MUCH to you all! LOVE YA!!

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And I would love to say a special HUGE THANK YOU to girls from
Russian crafty forum Osinka. Girls, you are the BEST!!! What’s a
pleasure to see pictures of your such Adorable little Cuties and
such STUNNING your creations!! I just LOVE to seeing what you
have made from my designs, please keep me updated.

russian_logo copy Осиночки, слов нет передать в каком я была восторге
когда таки добралась до форума. ОБАЛДЕТЬ сколько красоты!!
И детки все такие замечательные и работы такие интересные
и оригинальные! Вы лучшие!!! Спасибо огромное за темки, за
столько теплых слов и такие суперские воплощения!

With Love,

Kristin, me and sneak peek ;)

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I’ve just got a couple pictures from Lera, that Amazing girl, photographer
and journalist I’ve talked about recently. More pictures are coming. Just
can’t wait!

Kristin is wearing  one of halters, I’ve made her about couple years ago,
but did not get the good pictures to snow it off. Let’s go to waiting the
pictures with me… ;o)

Spring Flowers

… Warning! Lots of pictures coming, because here is no way to pick up just
a few ;o) Thank you so much Servane and Ely!! Girls, you are the Best!!!
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I’ve used this 3D Flowers pattern idea in a past and here is another try.
Hmm… I would say that on jacket and in colors I like them better ;o)
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Anyway, those 3D flowers are so CUTE and GIRLIE and I’m sure I’ll back
to this theme again. I think to try a bolero version next time ;)
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Spoiled and proud of it ;)

… funny, that Kristin had picked this title, but I totally agree with her. 
We all feel just like that and so enjoined this past weekend and lots
events :) Our  friend Eugene from CA visited us on Friday to spend the
weekend with us. On Saturday we’ve had a barbeque party and later
another one, where I met an Amazing girl from Vancouver, BC Canada,
who’s also a professional photographer and journalist. Sure, we have
booked a photo session on next morning and it was such a Pleasure
to deal with! Soon we will have some family pictures and I can update 
my avatar LOL! 
wedding1 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA          
Next on our schedule was a Reception party in one Beautiful Golf Club.
We had a FUN and were SO HAPPY for our friends and such Amazing
and Sweet couple!!
Than we dropped Kristin on sleep over with her best friend Karina and,
to “complete” a day, watched Star Trek IMAX in our local cinema, since
was  lucky enough to buy tickets. At 11:55 pm theater was full…
And on Monday, we had a friend’s party in our home and then enjoined
walking to our local lake and park. It was long but wonderful weekend.

Well, now on my schedule is work, work and only work ;o) I have a LONG
list and this week I plan to finish a Kiwi top pattern and to keep working
on the graphics for next 2 patterns plus to start write grape tops pattern.
Also, I have something new to share with you, stay tuned…

Happy and Lovely week to everyone!


Memorial Day Sale

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And I have some offers for you. First, get a 50% off (buy One get
One free) for any patterns, listed in my Shop, Etsy or eBay stores.
Just purchase any pattern you would like and let me know which
another one you would like for free and I’ll send it to you via email.
This offer expires at Monday, 25, 2009 midnight by PST time.

And a SPECIAL offer! First 3 persons, who leave a comment on this
post will receive a free surprise euro yarn package from me. I’ll email
the winners with a quick questionnaire to make sure you will get yarn
in your favorite colors and textures. You will not be disappointment, I
promise ;o)

A Wonderful and safe weekends to everyone!

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