Category: Thursday’s Moments
Second Birthday ;)
May 4, 2011 | Filled under Kids, Life, Thursday's Moments |
Our Pixie is turning 2 years today! She’s absolutely amazing, cute, lovely and sweet girl with such charming personality. Kristin got an idea to cook Pixie Birthday cake, based on doggie’s favorite food and decorated with her favorite treats – let us see what we get ;o)
The only thing, she is overweighted already … for whole o.1 lbs – hehe, I hear your laugh ROFL!! We also got a good one when we were told in veterinary clinic that her normal weight should be 4 lbs. Funny, but her mom and dad were 3 lbs and 3.5 lbs respectively… an acceleration ;o)
P.S.: BTW, the second picture was taken by Kristin and we are both so happy with this cool shot!! Pixie doesn’t like to be model and it is really a big luck to catch her on photo.
Happy Thursday everyone!!
Thursday’s Moments 9. Spring Flowers
March 24, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
Just realized that I did not post anything in my Thursday’s Moments Category last two weeks, but better late than never… ;o)
Spring Flowers… a gift from a friend. Thank you, Sweets!!
Happy Thursday everyone!!
Thursday’s Moments 8. Golden Bamboo
February 24, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
My poor Golden Bamboo this morning… not to mention we are still living in Seattle area ;o) I can’t believe that just yesterday this bamboo was a background for my
scarf I’ve made for Tahki’s Colorplay Challenge (a picture is coming just in a few)
Well, now bamboo is cleaned and I hope safe. Today’s forecast “offers” 16 up to 32 degrees and more snow …please NO!! :o)
Thursday’s Moments 7. Daisies
February 17, 2011 | Filled under Creations, Thursday's Moments |
Thursday’s Moment 6. Abstract Girls & Sneak Peek
February 10, 2011 | Filled under Creations, Thursday's Moments |
I got my new abstract girls last week and sure can’t resist to create a little
something to introduce them ;o)
I’ve got several requests for pageboy style cap, so here is summer version. This Polka Dots REVERSABLE Cap made in Mesh pattern with beads and featured lace leather trim and poppy pin in new version of center flower. The scarf is easy customizable and can be made in any length. Pattern is almost finished and will be send for tech editing just in a few.
I have much more new projects to show you, but still need to take pictures. I’ll do it as soon as will feel better – hate to be sick, no fan at all… lol
Thursday’s Noments 5. Murano Glass
February 3, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
Murano glass is a famous product of the Venetian island of Murano, Italy.
The history of Murano glass is interesting in the fact that it is the longest
lasting center for glass making in history. It spans from the 9th century to
today, and is full of beautiful and innovative artwork, success, failure and
thankfully, a remarkable resiliency in the face of adversity…
I so in love with my Murano glass pendant, a gift from our dear friends. A
truly piece of art.
Happy Thursday everyone!! Have a Wonderful and Lovely day!!
Thursday’s Moments 4. Sushi
January 27, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
Can you believe it’s a Thursday again?! And it’s Thursday’s Moments time…
Funny that I count myself as sushi fan, but I can’t eat uncooked fish (at least
without species) even if I love seafood and prefer if to meat and poultry. The
only “raw” fish I love are saba (mackerel) and herring (with no sugar for sure
– just salted and marinated with species in oil). Kristin is on the same page
with me and above are her favorite sushi … well they are only ones she likes
so far ;o) I have much longer list of my favorite sushi as well as salads and
another cooked seafood like iSushu offers – one of our all time favorite.
Happy Thursday everyone! Have a Wonderful and Lovely day!
Thursday’s Moments 3. The Bead
January 20, 2011 | Filled under Creations, Thursday's Moments |
Thursday’s Moments 2. Maranta
January 13, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
My most favorite indoor plant I even adopted is Maranta, genus of about
20 species of evergreen, rhizomatous perennials from rainforest in tropical
Central and South America. The Maranta’s (Prayer Plant) leaves fold up at
night hence the common name. When dusk falls, their handsomely marked
leaves fold up to ‘pray’…
Have a Wonderful day and
Happy Old New Year to everyone, who celebrate!! ;o)
Thursday’s Moments. 1.Tea Time
January 7, 2011 | Filled under Thursday's Moments |
… One of my goals for this year is to study a photography a bit, finally! No,
I do not plan to change my business :o) or even consider myself as
photographer, but learn to take not such bad pictures sounds like a plan.
I wish I would have time to visit all my favorite photographing blogs and
read all great favorite books and articles, but I feel practice is also not a
last thing too LOL. And it’s how this new Thursday’s Moments Category
was born. Here every Thursdays time to time I’ll share pictures with some facts and
moments from my life or my favorite things, with a little description as
well… So, lets go!
TEA TIME. I always was totally crazy on coffee, but last year noticed that
much prefer tea and one of my favorite now flowering teas. Pictured is
Butterfly Floret (green tea with fresh Jasmine) by Primula Tea. Another
my absolutely favorite place to buy tea is Upton Tea Imports – such a
variety of teas and amazing custom service. And I just love Teavana’s
Perfect TeaMarker. What a net idea.
What is your favorite drink? And places to buy? If you would like to share
– You are Very Welcome!!
Oh, and please feel free to comment on pictures – I always so appreciate
any comments, critique, tips. So many things to study, but looks as I
hooked ;o)
To be continued…
Lets Get Connected