[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ll the patterns are thoroughly checked and edited, but sometimes an error slips through. If you have bought a pattern from the website or through Ravelry, Etsy, DaWanda or Artfire then all updates and corrections are emailed to you automatically. If you have purchased a pattern trough another stores or don’t think that you have the most recent version, please email alla@mylittlecitygirl.com
Magnolia Lace Coat Crochet Pattern
Row 5 (5, 7, 9, 11, 11), p. 3 correction – missed “sk next dc” (highlighted in red). Same corrections for Rows 12 and 13, p. 3:
Row 1 of Skirt Lace patt (p. 3) correction – missed “sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc (highlighted in red):

Garden Party Hat & Pins Crochet Pattern
Gauge format changed to:

Splash Tank Top Crochet Pattern
Row 1, p. 3 correction: from point D to B changed to from point B to D:

Hi, I 12yr liked the floral bag. I try to print out the pattern. I was unable to, if you can email me the pattern.
Thanks you
I purchased the magnolia lace coat pattern. I am having a little difficulty on the sleeve part increasing section row 6(8,10,12,14,16) the number of (ch2, dc) groups says I should have 13. I keep coming up with 12. Could you please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.
Thank you,
I bought your Tropicana Blanket saved it to a pdf file, went to download it today and the pdf is gone there is nothing but the first page can you send it to me again thank you for your time. I LOVE YOUR PATTERNS AND HAVE MANY OF THEM !!!Thanks Denise dickey
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much for letting me know. I’ve just re-send the pattern. Please let me know if you may any questions.
Hi I recently bought 2 patterns from my work computer so that I could print the pattern my question is how can I access them to download them to my notebook? Or is that something I can’t do with the patterns I buy from you’re website?
You should be able to send the pattern pdf to your kindle or iPad and find it under “Documents”.
Hi Alla,
I’m making the beautiful Lemon Shawl. In row # 6, at the end, says that we should have 9 ch-5 sps. I think that we only get
5 ch-5 sps. The diagram, that has been very helpful, shows 5.
Please let me know if that is correct.
Thank you very much :)
Hi Olga,
You are perfectly right – yes, 5 ch-5 sps, not 9. THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know‼
I’m having some trouble with understanding the first and second round instructions for the Garden Party Crocheted Hat. I’m really stuck. I’ve tried two different ways which look good in round one but then doesnt make sense for round two! I don’t know where to stitch into and what the ‘sp’ abbreviation means. Its not under the abbreviations list.
If you could help me, that would be amazing!
Hi Alla,
I have been working on the Poppy pin/hair clip from your Garden Party hat patterns. At the top of page 3 there is note that says: NOTE: For reverse (crab) edging Rep Rnd 2 of Finishing Bottom Edging instead of Rnd 6 of Diagram 1. I don’t understand the Rep Rnd 2 of Finishing Bottom Edging. What is the Finishing Bottom Edging and what is Rnd 2 or for that matter, what is Rnd 1 of Finishing Bottom Edging?
Thanks for your help! Love the hats and flowers!
I have your “Garden Party Hats” patern. I hade made 4 of them and I simply cannot got the crown to be ROUND like in your photos. They are FLAT for the top part until you stop increasing, and then they just suddenly go straight down for the rest of the hat until you start on the BRIM. Do you have to BLOCK them? PLEASE help me! Susan I TEXAS
I’m trying to crochet Garden Party Hat; rounds 9-15, not quite sure about stitches. As per instructions, it seems that round 8 is repeated, but as I go around, round keeps increasing.
ROUND 8: ch3, dc in next 6 sts, FPdc around same FPdc, [dc in next 7 dc …]
ROUND 9-15 has same instructions as ROUND 8. Do rounds inrease all the way to 15 or do they stay same as Round 9 throughout?
PLEASE HELP! Thank you.
Hi Ginger,
Please note the difference in Rounds 8 and 9:
Rnd 8: FPdc is worked around SAME FPdc (as last dc make – so 2 sts in one FPdc that make increasing)
Rnd 9: FPdc is worked around NEXT FPdc – no increasing in this rnd.
I saw on Instagram where you were supposed to release the Strawberry Delight blanket pattern in March 2016. I’ve searched everywhere and I can’t seem to find it. Please let me know when and where I can purchase the Strawberry Delight blanket pattern. Thanks so much!
Hi Alla,
I am making your very beautiful Vined Vest pattern and have a question about the length of the herringbone back panel. I did not see a measurement for this and working backward from the gauge is impossible since there is no row gauge given for the herringbone stitch. Since my overall gauge is a little different, I want to make sure that I am making the side panels in the correct proportions to the back. Do you have this information? I am making the 48 1/2 inch size.
Thank you,
Carol Wolf