Category: Over a Cup
Over a Cup | Green Jewelry
February 23, 2014 | Filled under Over a Cup |
I am truly blessed with many amazing and beyond talented friends, and today I would like to introduce you two of them: Anatoli and Elena.
They are not related to knitting or crocheting, but when it come to the art and design, it doesn’t really matter I think. Anatoli and Elena run their creativity in jewelry design and video production!
I’d like share two stories: “Engagement ring” and “My animal” ;0)
Engagement Ring
A year ago they created a wedding ring – all of it: idea, selection of stone, wireframe of design, 3D modeling, production, polishing and video production. This video was demonstrated at Mexico and ring was presented with proposal to get married. Exactly today that couple is again in Mexico but this time for wedding!!! And … you can guess … both wedding rings were designed and created by Anatoli and Elena!
My Animal
Another project I’m in love is My Animal. The idea was to create a jewelry for animal owners. Lena decided to create a friend’s dog pendant (plus friend’s birthday was coming soon and such pendant would suit both purposes just fine).
Below is the video of all the process: photo shut session, 3D modeling, 3D printing, casting, polishing.
BTW, Anatoli and Elena run small private business GlamSilver – a green jewelry store. To visit their store, just click on the banner below, which also can be found at right bar here.
Not only guys offer lots of cool and fun jewelry, but they also have giveaways on regular base. Make sure to visit their eBay Store page and subscribe for newsletter.
A wonderful and lovely Sunday everyone!!
P.S.: I have some pretty exciting news for you. Stay tuned ;o)
Over a Cup | Imaginative Makeup Art
February 9, 2014 | Filled under Over a Cup |
Did you hear about Israel makeup artist Tal Peleg? She creates miniature works of art using eye makeup. Using eyelids as her canvas, she tackles each scenario with color, depth and texture. Needless to say, the results are nothing less than mind-blowing … and sure, I just can’t resist to share ;o) She’s totally amazing!!
Tal shares some answers to some frequently asked questions:
–> Yes, it is my eye.
–> No, it’s not hard to draw on my own eye. Actually, It’s much easier than drawing on someone else’s eyelid. I don’t move, don’t complain, I have a good eye shape for such things, and I have endless patience! Oh, and I always there for myself whenever I’ve got the muse… so I’m perfect as my own eye-model for that matter
However, I prefer to do full-face makeup looks on other people of course.
–> Yes, it is possible to be so precise with the right equipment, experience and steady hand. {People are writing names on rice grains for god’s sake! } Once, I used to be upset with skeptical people… now all I have to say is – thank you, I’ll take your disbelief as a compliment. I don’t feel I have to prove anything after all my hard (yet so fun!) work… take it or leave it
–> No, I’m not sad to remove the makeup creations off my eye after I’m done. Not even after all the hard work. As long as I know that I have a good photo of it, I’m just happy and relieved to clean my eyes from all the paint and lashes…
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” – Anne Frank
A lovely and cozy Sunday everyone!! Here is still snowing since yesterday’s evening… not typical for Seattle for sure ;o)
Over a Cup | Glamorous Chic Life
March 3, 2013 | Filled under Over a Cup |
… Where fashion and interior design meet.
What a lovely Glamorous Chic Life archive!! It’s all about fashion, inspiration, mood and colors!
Over a Cup. Challenge
January 9, 2013 | Filled under Over a Cup |
We are just back from evening yoga class and was amazed how full classes in January are. Today were about 30-35 people in room instead of 15-20 usually. Resolutions, resolutions… ;)
I must admit that last year we visited yoga less than usual too and missed it. It’s definitely should be fixed. Not to mention that we recently got hooked on another fitness activity too.
Would you like to join us? Just let’s do it!!
Over a Cup. Shooting Manual
November 28, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup, Writing a book |
… Looks as my another dream will come true shortly ;o)
As you probably know, one of my dream is to be a boss of my own camera, but I never had enough time/motivation or probably just did not know where to start. Usually I set my camera on Aperture priority mode and shoot. It works not bad, but I know that photos taken by my Nikon D500 (especially with lens as AF_S DX Micro NIKKOR 85mm f/3.5G ED VR and Nikon 35mm f/1.8 DX) can be much better and with min editing in Ps.
I am one of those people who learn better by reading books/googling and going out and shooting rather than taking classes – probably because I never have enough time patience to take classes and end up reading or on the computer at midnight. Most photography books I saw so far are technically overwhelming, or as dry and dull as the camera manuals themselves…
Thanks to Rita of CoffeShop blog, I’ve ordered Beyond Snapshots: How to Take That Fancy DSLR Camera Off "Auto" and Photograph Your Life like a Pro and love it so far. Beyond Snapshots is actually a great intro/refresher for shooting manual and you will find some great inspiration in the photos in the book. Perfect book even for beginners (as me!).
P.S.: If you have friends, who want to study photography or their own camera at least – keep in mind, that book is always great a gift idea! I’ve just ordered some ;o)
Have a nice and lovely day!
Alla Koval Designs
Over a Cup. Gift Boxes
November 18, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup |
I always loved nice wraps and gift boxes and just was amazed with these neat ideas how to make your own in such easy way (see album below).
I found the pictures here, but unfortunately most of them have no source info. If you know where they come from, please let me know so I can give a credit.
Over a Cup. Wallpaper
November 7, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup |
A friend just shared this lovely wallpaper for iPad. Click here to get yours for free.
My all time favorite animal… well, I bet you know ;o)
Over a Cup. Panda
August 17, 2012 | Filled under In The News, Over a Cup |
My all time favorite animal. What a cutie :0)
Wonder what is new with your book and my schedule? By the moment I feel exhausted a bit, but happy – two projects for publication are done (and third, last one is on my schedule in the middle of September). On Monday I’ll start to work on next book collection, yay!! I bet – it will be your favorite one! ;o)
But first – a little break and on my schedule for next two days… well, whatever ;o)
A Wonderful and Lovely weekend everyone!!
Alla Koval Designs
Over a Cup. Design
July 16, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup |
Over a Cup. Himalayan Blue Poppy
July 1, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup |
Yesterday my friend shared with me a picture of blue poppies, which pop my mind immediately, so I did a little research and discovered some interesting facts:
- Himalayan blue poppy—it’s original name is Meconopsis Betonicifolia. It is native from southeastern Tibet and was discovered in 1886.
- They are very difficult—if not impossible—to grow in warm climates. Research has shown that when exposed to temperatures warmer than 70 degrees—these cold loving plants begin to die.
- The Himalayan poppy comes in various shades of blue, purple, and sometimes white (below are ones of the lighter shades of blue). It tends to be smaller than usual red poppies. As well, the blue flower usually has a number of blossoms per stem.
- The Himalayan Blue Poppy has no scientifically accredited medicinal value. Secondly, it has no fragrance. Yet its rarity, its allure and, above all, its origin in the mysterious, exotic, hidden land of Tibet, to the credulous gives it a magical aura of contributing to well-being. At least that is the thread picked-up by a number of crackpots and charlatans, as well as reputable companies, infusing the flower with qualities it doesn’t possess —find more at Exploiting the Allure of the Blue Poppy.
Browsing for pictures of this gorgeous flower, I found photo album of poppies at photocommunity and felt in love with photos of blue poppies taken by Adele Oliver,
by Eugene Melamed,
and by estee-12. Enjoy the rest of album of poppies—pure eye candy!
One day I’ve played with different crochet (and knit!) versions of poppies and still have some more design—ideas to try. Hmm… should I schedule a collection, based on designs, inspired by this such lovely flower …and probably write a book in a future, but not early than publish first 3 books I have on my schedule—dreams, sweet dreams… ;o)
Alla Koval Designs
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