Category: Giveaway
Happy Birthday to me, Gifts for You!
April 21, 2021 | Filled under Giveaway |
(🇷🇺⤵︎) Today is my birthday and I would love to Thank each and every of you for your love and support! How it’s awesome and feels absolutely wonderful to belong to a community of people who appreciate and enjoy creativity.
And as a way to say Thank You, I’m offering for free my Imagical Seasons crochet pattern books in PDF format to every customer who places an order today. So, if here any particular patterns that you are looked for, there won’t be a better time to order it… and not wait until next year ;o)
The terms are pretty simple:
• Everyone who order any 2 patterns in my Etsy, Ravelry or shops (active links in profile) will get both Imagical Seasons crochet pattern books: Spring and Summer volumes in PDF format for free.
• All orders of $45+ in addition to books in PDF format, will receive them in PAPERBACK formats too (US customers only, please).
This offer expires April 22nd, 2021 at 12:59 pm PST time.
🇷🇺 Сегодня мой день рождения, и очень хочется поблагодарить всех вас за то, что вы со мной—куда бы я не пропадала временами… Это так суперски здорово быть частичкой сообщества где любят и ценят креатив и красоту!
Я всегда любила больше дарить чем получать подарки, и в этот день я решила всем кто сделает покупку 2 любых инструкций в моих онлайн магазинах, получит в подарок две мои книги в PDF формате. Для заказов на сумму $45+ (и проживающих в США) я с удовольствием отправлю плюс к PDF и печатную версию книг.
Так что, если у вас были в хотелках какие-либо мои инструкции, – сегодня отличный день чтобы их приобрести… следующий будет через год ;)
Contest for Fun
April 7, 2021 | Filled under Giveaway |
(🇷🇺⤵︎) I finally started to clean and organize my folders, and found this fruit collection… what a blast from the past!
Do you remember this one?
Let’s have a fun!
Everyone who will guess a name of this collection will get ANY of my pattern for free. Any pattern, not only from this collection. Just leave a comment here or direct me with your version.
Oh, and please note: All patterns of this collection are old-style patterns (read my first ones) with partial diagrams, but row-by-row written instructions in English (US terms).
🇷🇺 Я тут занялась осмысленной чисткой компьютера, и наткнулась на эту фруктовую коллекцию, – кто помнит?! 😉
А давайте устроим маленький конкурс… Кто угадает (или вспомнит) название этой коллекции, – получит любую мою инструкцию (не обязательно из этой коллекции) бесплатно. Напишите вашу версию здесь в комментариях или директ.
Ну, и должна предупредить, что инструкции из этой коллекции – фактически мои первые, поэтому они, безусловно, отличаются по уровню и стилю ;)
March 8, 2021 | Filled under Giveaway |
Happy March 8th ladies ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
I have GIFTS & DEALS for You where everyone is a Winner!
First, I am offering one of my patterns of your choice for FREE.
- Leave a comment on Gifting & Deal post on Instagram or FB which pattern you would like.
- Direct, send a private message or email me at with your email address… and I’ll email you pattern right away!!
And now, it’s GIFTING TIME! 🎁
One lucky from anywhere in the world will win 2 hanks of my absolute favorite Silk Cashmere yarn by Jade Sapphire ($80 value) in color of your choice OR $60 Visa Gift Card!
You can enter in 3 ways here, on ONLY:
- Mandatory Entry: Just share what is your favorite season or simple leave any comment on my blog …and that’s all, no other auction is required 🤗
- Bonus Entry # 2: Blog or mention in your Stories about the Gifts & Deals and leave another comment to blog post with a link to your blog post (if possible).⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
- Bonus Entry # 3: Share this post on any of your accounts: Instagram, Facebook, Ravelry, etc., and leave one more comment to enlarge your chance to win.
This contest starts today, March 8th, 2021 and will end March 15th, 2021 at 12:59 pm PST time.
I’ll select the winner with’s random number generator. The Winner will be announced and notified next day – Tuesday, March 16th. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
To enjoy more deals, please visit my Etsy, Ravelry, Amazon and stores!
To look inside Imagical Seasons™ crochet pattern books, please visit my Amazon store.
What a Story!!
March 30, 2020 | Filled under Giveaway, Inspiration |
I got very touching email from one of my follower (swipe to see). I asked if I can share it with you. Barbara’s answer caused tears in my eyes.
❝ My God Alla! Of course you may! You are a blessing!!! Always there through a storm. I lost my job some years ago and by following your posts and running to Hobby Lobby to buy a crochet book when I knew you had a published pattern made my job hunting days easier to bear. I thank you so much. Also, you didn’t know it but when I lost my job, I won the gift certificate and the delicious gardenia fragrance for naming the pattern. I have looked for years and could never find the scent. Whenever I look at the gardenias in my back yard, I think of you and how you helped me get through a very hard time. I actually put the plants there because of the scent of the fragrance you sent me. True story! Be safe and you can use any of my words because the world needs to know that you are a gift from the God!
Thank you so much. I will send a picture when I finish.
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Oh, I do perfectly remember that contest in 2011, right after or vacation to Hawaii. BTW, first photo is gardenia from my garden 🥰 ⠀ ⠀
Below are that bottle of fragrance and scarf:
Have a lovely and safe day everyone! My FREE pattern deal is still running until midnight March, 31!
All details two posts below.
Marguerite Pin | Free Crochet Pattern + DEAL for You!
March 26, 2020 | Filled under Free patterns, Giveaway |
When did you start knit/crochet? I am about 6-7 years old. So, probably it’s a good idea to learn your kids or grandkids to learn something new?! ⠀ ⠀
And what if start with Marguerite Pin? Such quick and fun project for girls of any age 😉
Marguerite Pin
Go whimsical with this fun crocheted Marguerite Pin for a party-ready look or just for traipsing along on a summer day!
Get playful with vibrant hues and use different colors for a sunny delight!
This pattern is available for download for FREE (to download: simple click at highlighted in green meadow_flowers_v01.pdf file on the right ) >>>

Download: | marguerite_pin_v01.pdf |
Updated: | March 26, 2000 |
Size: | 3.9 MiB |
And a DEAL for you! I am offering one of any of my patterns for your choice for FREE. Just email me at which pattern you would like and I’ll email it to you right away. ⠀ ⠀
This offer expires March, 31 at 11:59 pm PST.
Have a lovely day!! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Crochet Along Challenge
January 23, 2020 | Filled under Giveaway |
Crochet along challenge 🧶
Just got my kit for first “Crochet along challenge” by WeCrochet. Can’t wait to start!
Anyone else joining the #bravabeaniecal with #WeCrochet?
Lady Bug Cap & Daisy Pin Crochet Pattern | Gifting Time
December 30, 2019 | Filled under Giveaway |
The Winner!!
December 29, 2019 | Filled under Giveaway |
Thank you all for participation and sharing your favorite holiday! Looks as most of us on the same page 🥰
And now it’s a time to name the Winner for our Annual Gifting & Deals giveaway!
So…….. The Winner is Michelle!! My CONGRATULATIONS Michelle! I’ll contact you shortly.
Happy and lovely holidays everyone! All the best to you and your family! ⠀
Royal Blue Mom & Me 4 Patterns | Gifting Time
December 25, 2019 | Filled under Giveaway |
All the best to you and your family,
To enjoy more holidays deals, please visit my Etsy, Ravelry, Amazon and stores!
To look inside Imagical Seasons™ crochet pattern books, please visit my Amazon store.
Lets Get Connected