Category: Writing a book

Writing 4 First Books | Pros & Cons, Giveaway + MORE!

We are back!!! Our daughter and her friend had two weeks summer rhythmic gymnastic camp in Los Angeles, CA.
We’ve spent 4 days LA and enjoyed every minute! Anyway, we are so glad to come back to home ;o)


As I am back from travel, I am so ready back to work! :)


As I promised, below are my notes related to my self publishing book venture. As you know, it’s my very first experience with such big project, and I must admit that list of cons looks way longer than list of pros… so far :) But I still so excited that I started this venture and would still take it again for sure! ;o)

… self-publishing enables you to determine your own fate – Guy Kawasaki

Let’s start from reviewing the fact that I’m going to release 4 books instead of one.

So, how 4 books were born?..

I started my first book project with pretty simple idea: everything about imagination & inspiration and for every season. So I started :)

And couple months later I had a name for it (many thanks to Tim Ambat for the discussions where name was born):


Imagical Seasons TM: Crochet Couture for Kids 2-12 years

Imaginative and magical designs for little ones in your life

… where Imagical is a portmanteau word – a combination of “imagine” and “magical”. It describes perfectly what I want to achieve: coming up with unique ideas and designs, and making them a reality through the application of basic crochet and knitting skills.


That was how it all started.

Then, when I created most of book content and wrote almost all patterns, I found that content is too big to be published as one book, but not enough for 4 books. Anyway, I decided to split it by seasons – this is how I got 4 books (even if I should to add content to some of them, on which I worked recently). I’m so glad that that happened because you will have an opportunity to by only one, or two books, which not only can save you some $$, but could make your purchase more reasonable. For example, if you live in Hawaii, Imagical Seasons: Winter, probably will be not your “MUST have” book ;o).

Each book is going to be approximately 75-98 pages in 10.3″ x 8.5″ format. And all four books will be offered as set with a kind of hard folder-cover for nice gift presentation and finished look.


Cons & Personal Experience

If you thought starting a book was hard, wait until you try to finish one. As I said, writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s a marathon without people handing you cold water and cheering you on.  – Guy Kawasaki


Cons and how to fight them, based on my own, so far naive, experience:

  1. Learn the tools first. Software I’ve discovered and so happy with:
    • Adobe InDesign. With my 4 books, I’m able to change color of template of any book or font just in a second, and I do not care if I remove one or 10 pages, all cross references will be re-calculated. Not to mention that in Adobe InDesign you can prevent bad breaks in crochet and knitted patterns automatically. First of all, I highly recommend take a course how to organize styles, master pages, etc.
    • Adobe Illustrator. Since I’ve learned how to draw stitches diagrams, this skill became my absolute favorite part of patterns and books ;o) If you curious, you can find more details here.
  2. Make sure everything is working on small part, otherwise – re-editing the whole book will take LOTS of your time and turn you crazy for sure.
  3. Try to finish project with people you hired in shortest amount of time. You can take as much time to write a book or that annotated bibliography as you want, but other people can’t; if you depend on someone to participate in your project, make it as short as possible – people want to participate, but life may force them to switch to other business or projects and you have to protect yourself as much as you can from such events…
  4. A Style Sheet is “Must have”. Many THANKS to Edie Eckman for her wonderful and such helpful class How to Say It. I highly recommend it!
  5. Great professional technical editor is not only awesome but very important. Many Thanks to Edie Eckman again and again!! She’s absolutely AMAZING!!
  6. Good testers are also big luck and I’m so happy with Lori (an owner of Sweet City Knits)!
  7. I am still in process… no double there will be more “experiences” to add here :)


I’ve never given birth, but I’ve heard that finishing a book is a similar process, so keep pushing. And sorry, but there are no epidurals or Cesarean sections in writing. – Guy Kawasaki


  1. You retain all of the creative control. That’s liberation. It also makes you accountable for everything you do! You are your brand!
  2. Self-publishing is also really satisfying and fulfilling.
  3. Self-publishing makes you responsible for more than just creating the single pattern or a book of patterns. You also have to do (or hire someone to do) the editing, the testing, the listing, the promotion, responding to questions, etc. You have to be able and willing to wear multiple hats. (Well, all above is both pros and cons, but I want to count it as pros so far :))
  4. You will learn a LOT and get new amazing skills, and it’s just awesome!


There are three stages of writing a book: starting, continuing, and finishing. They all require a combination of determination, desperation, and denial that all writes, as some stage, detest. Force yourself to make a little progress every day and, after a year or so, you’ll have a book and you’ll say, “That wasn’t so bad after all”. – Guy Kawasaki*

*All the quotes from Guy Kawasaki are taken from “APE How to Publish” a book by Kawasaki & Welch… one of the latest book I’ve just read.


Below is a draft of the Summer book cover:




And here is sneak peek of Spring book cover:


What do you think about the covers?  Please share your thoughts! Any honest opinion and critics would be much appreciated!!!


And… to celebrate this milestone in the books’ development

First, get 40% off on all my pattern until Monday August 4th, 2014! Use code FIRST4 at checkout. The coupon is applicable to myShop and Etsy stores. Offer valid now through August 4th, 2014 midnight PST.

If you may have any questions or issues with applying coupons – please let me know.

MyLCG Etsy 60x60


On top of this sale, let’s have a GIVEAWAY! One lucky one from anywhere in the world will win a PDF of first 55 pages of one of my coming books: Imagical Seasons: Summer!! Even if you may be familiar with couple designs from this book I’ve already listed as individual patterns, you will find at least 3 new secret designs, with final photography and layout. HOW exciting is that?! ;o) Oh, and cherry on the top – whatever design/size/color you will choice to make, I’ll glad to order and ship the yarn for your project just right away!! ;o)


You can enter the contest in 3 ways:

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment on this post. No other action is required!

Optional Entry # 2: Blog about this contest, linking to this post, and leave another comment to this post with a link to your blog post.

Optional Entry # 3: Share this post on your accounts: at Google+, Facebook, Ravelry, Twitter, Yahoo, etc., leave one more comment on this post (if possible, with your link, but here is no any obligations). You also can just share my original Google+ and Facebok posts. Share on more networks for more entries! (one additional entry per one network).


This contest starts today, July 27, 2014 and will end on August 4, 2014 at 11:59pm PST.
I’ll select the winner with’s random number generator. Winner will be notified by email on Tuesday, August 5, 2014.


So, what are you waiting for? Post your entries now and good luck to everyone!




In the News ;)

I can’t believe how lovely and exciting summer time we have this year!

Igor and I always worked so hard, last couple years up to 14-16 hours a day, so we decided to take a little break and afford some rest.

Our daughter Kristin also got some “unusual” experience – she’s (with her friend) now at rhythmic gymnastic summer camp (Los Angeles, CA) for 2 weeks. It’s first time when we are separated with her for such long time, and we so glad that she looks so excited and happy!! Not to mention that after camp they do enjoy the ocean ;o)




Since Kristin was never excited for long car trips, we decided to realize one of our dreams of long travel, and yesterday Igor and I drove around Olympic Peninsula – visited Ocean Shores (-20F from Bellevue, but I’ve just LOVED it – I’m not a big fan of 85-90F), Hoh Rain Forest (really big trees, everything else you can see in any park in WA), Forks (vampires stores, High School looks different from what you see in the movie :)), Port Angeles (too many cops for small city), ferry to Seattle (we were lucky to wait only 2 minutes!) …. Tough day… 450+ miles, but with lots of fun ;o)

In two days (on Wednesday), we will fly to LA, CA to pick up Kristin and her friend, and will be back Saturday evening.

AND on Sunday, I’ll off for 3 days trip with Klondike travel to the lavender festival, with a visit to Olympic National Park (Arina, my friend and the owner of Klondike travel, assured me  that we missed lots of thing we must see that area), and then, – Portland, Oregon. How exciting!!


Oh, and just after my return, I’ll post the details of my first four (yes, 4!!! ;) books I’ve almost finished (approx. 75-98 pages each): one of them still need photos (we will work on them just in next couple weeks), some patterns need descriptions and tech editing, books needed introductions, bio, indexes, etc. parts… Oh, but we have covers!!! Here is a sneak peek of Spring book cover (well, even in pretty draft version so far):




P.S.: If I would ever knew how MUCH time would it take to design, learn (and then learn again!), write, draw stitch diagrams and schematic, edit, page making and so on … I would still take that journey again and again! :p)

Cherry Blossom (Sakura) | Preview

Cherry Blossom 02

After educational reading over 1000 pages and watching 8 hours of teaching video last week (more details later), I decided to spoil myself and so enjoined working on some new projects before back to working on my book ;o)

Let me introduce the Cherry Blossom Crocheted Tank Top (which can be easily turned into dress for little ones). This top made in pretty simple basic crochet pattern with 4 ruffle-panels (two each in front and back). My inspiration for this top was that gradient ribbon I’ve noticed in our local Jo-Ann craft store, and I really glad with this delicate and lovely touch, which reminds such pretty blossom petals. Can’t wait for cherry blossom just in a few months to make a modeling and show you this top on model ;) This sample top is made to fit my 11 years old daughter and just about 2 inches longer than her waist. But as I mentioned above, with shorter bodice and longer skirt this top will magically transformed into dress or halter top/tunic.  Not to mention that this top can be turned into any theme – tropical if made with bright color and contrasting ribbons, sea theme, black/white, cotton candy, strawberry shortcake or parfait, poppy, daisy, forget-me-knot, ladybug or bees …  well, whatever you can think of!


As last, but not least… when ;o) This design is a part of my ruffle collection for the book, but I consider to make it available in a month or so. But only this one, OK? The rest of collection is still under “secret projects”.


BTW, which name do you like better for this design: Cherry Blossom or Sakura? For the book one-word names work better, but Cherry blossom sounds more pleasant for my ears… not-sure-why. How about you?


Cherry Blossom 03

Cherry Blossom 05


A wonderful weekend everyone!!
Alla Koval Designs

No Name Blanket. Pattern release update

White Blanket 07

Looks as releasing patterns on Friday afternoon it’s a kind of new tradition here ;0)

On the other note, I was really shocked that today is Friday already… I’ve spent good amount of time to study and play with studio light, and must admit that I never felt myself such a DORK :0) Yes, I completely understand that photography is a very amazing, serious and kind of magic art and requests great knowledge, skills, practice (not to mention that talent and passion is a MUST!!) And this is why I procrastinated such a long time. But  since I always (and pretty often – right now!!) need pictures of my designs (and possibly in one style for a collections or even for a book), I decided to make a try.

And you know what?! I really was so amazed by shades-world and how light “works” at all! Well, I must to say that never paid enough attention to these things. For outdoor pictures, I have a couple spots in our backyard and know that at a certain time and weather I can get not bad pictures, which will show texture and “volume” or crochet and knitted stuff perfectly. But oh my, you don’t want to know how many time was spend to do something similar in studio with strobes… Well, these pictures is what I’ve got so far. I still hate the dark shades on the floor and probably backdrop should be separated better, as well as contrast/white balance is not correct …and a composition is another thing to study.

Well, I’m off to my comfort zone for awhile to make last touches and polish blankets patterns (a second blanket is this sneak peek).  I’ll do my best to release EAP version this afternoon, but if you will not hear back from me today – make sure I’m taking picture of second blanket ;o)))

White Blanket 09


White Blanket 10


BTW, this blanket has No name so far… Do you think we may have a contest?! ;0)

*** UPDATE I think I’ve got the name idea! :0) What do you think about this one:

Sakura Crocheted Blanket
Give Baby the sweetest of sleep and the best of dreams with this soft as sakura petals and unbelievably luxurious afghan. Delicate crochet shells come together to create billows of heavenly softness, just right for Baby’s delicate skin. It’s a perfect gift for boys and girls alike — just trim it in blue, pink, or any color of your choice, and watch little eyes grow wide in delight before Baby snuggles into the clouds for a nap!


Happy Friday everyone!!

Alla Koval Designs

Writing a Book. Unexpected Tasks, Growing Skills + MORE :)

If I knew that just in an hour after my last post, I’ll be a crazy-happy owner of this lens for my new Nikon D600, I would probably wait to play with the camera and lights in my studio (more details below).

But, first of all, my apologies for this little escape and keeping you without any updates… I was just extremely busy working on a new spring mini collection, which will be released this week for sure.

Yes, not a single pattern as I planned, but mini collection.

Well, a sneak peek I’ve showed in this post is a blanket for an absolutely precious newborn girl of our friends I just can’t resist to make (but who does?!). Then I‘ve got an idea that in some juicy and fun colors the blanket will looks not bad too, so here is how second blanket was born (see second sneak peek below) …Then I found that this blanket pattern (both versions are done) is pretty easy to turn into shawl and just can’t resist to make one (see picture below – it’s not finished shawl yet, but just to give you an idea). And last piece of this collection is going to be a skinny ruffle scarf – not only because a scarf if always good idea, but since I’ve received several requests for ruffle scarf and sure I’m so happy to play with (as well as with couple more Ruffles designs, but they are under “secret book projects” so far ;o)





And as I promised, below are details of my very first photo studio, which includes:

  1. The AllienBees B400 Flash Unit – 3 units (one for background separation).
  2. 48-inch Translucent White Umbrella with removable black cover for bounce use – 2
  3. 10-foot general purpose light stand – 2
  4. Backlight Stand – 1
  5. White Shovel Background Reflector (lights background space for subject/background separation)
  6. Telescopic Stand (backdrop support system)
  7. Wireless Flash Trigger

MANY MANY THANKS to all my wonderful friends who helped me to pick up right stuff, their unvalued help, advice, tips and sharing experience!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Sure, I still have to learn tons things about studio photography first of all (and I definitely hooked!), but if you are thinking about own studio and looking  “where to start”, first – I would highly recommend Beyond Snapshots: How to Take That Fancy DSLR Camera Off “Auto” and Photograph Your Life like a Pro book. Beyond Snapshots is actually a great intro/refresher for shooting manual and you will find some great inspiration in the photos in the book.  Perfect book even for beginners (as me!).

Also, thanks a lot to Denis for the advice to check videos by ProPhotoLife. I really like Jim Talkington’s style of transferring knowledge and how he present everything step by step so that I can see what each light does. And plus, each episode is no longer than 3-7 min. Well, you know that I’m not a big fan of videos with lots blala and longer then 10-15 min (probably because I am visual person and rather prefer to see once).


If you curious, below is a picture of my mini studio with “one strobe set up” fro shawl shot:

Set Up01


And below is my very first “handmade” photo prop. I call it “a new life of old tripod” ;o)

Well, I like a little fresh accent in the pictures, and one of my favorites are leaves and flowers. Yesterday I grafted one of my favorite home plant, and while it will have roots, I placed it in a tiny (4.5”) vase (filled with water of course) and attached to a tripod. This my “photo prop” allows me easily adjust height if needed, put any other plans, or flowers …or let me see what else lol




Oh, and my favorite place to buy backdrops is LemonDrop Stop. Their poly paper backdrops are really great, plus amazing customer service and ability to order any custom backdrop.

Well, that’s all. ;o)


I’ll be back just in a few days with new patterns release! See you then!

Alla Koval Designs

Imagical Seasons. Big 60, Giveaway + MORE!

It’s been absolutely wonderful, exciting, pretty educational and productive year for me!

But first of all, I would love to Thank You you all my dear friends for your love, continued interest and support. I must admit that stayed certainly overwhelmed, I absolutely enjoined every minute and lots of Amazing moments! I am truly humbled by every comment you leave me or email you send to me. I look forward to continue our friendship in the coming year. Very Welcome to new fans to come!

Looking back, I still can’t believe that just 9-10 months ago I was not able to draw crochet charts in such lovely now Adobe Illustrator, knew nothing about writing a book, how to work with long documents in Adobe InDesign. Now I’ve learned all of that and even created a totally new style of my patterns, which I jokingly call “Wordless” or “understandable without words”. As I said before, I always loved stitch diagrams – the international language of crochet and knitting not only because they are more clear and easier to read compared to written instructions, but also because the patterns really do not need to be translated to any other language. And I am so glad and proud that now you can make any design even if just with chart – not looking at written instructions (but which sure also included). Now testing of each pattern includes a sample, made by following just diagrams and schematics – my favorite part ;) So if you are visual person and prefer charts, these new patterns are for you and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do! If you you are prefer a written instructions, they are for you too ;o) Many Thanks to Edie Eckman for editing my patterns and her Edie Eckman’s How to Say It class! They never were in such terrific shape as now, yay!


AND… the biggest news is that my first book Imagical SeasonsTM: Crochet Couture for Kids 2-12 years is 60% done so far!! Well, not 75% as I hoped, but for very first book – 60% sounds not bad at all. The Imagical seasons book consist of designs for every season. I’ve just finished Winter season and so ready for Spring!  :0)

SO, what I’ve done so far:

Spring season: Kristal collection (5 designs) – completed

Fall season: Dryad collection (4 designs) – 85% completed (practically done but under restructuring)

Winter season: 2 collections (8 designs, including accessories) – completed

What I still need to do:

Spring season: 2 secret designs

Summer season: 2 cover Ocean Friends tops + one secret collection (3 designs)

Fall season: 1 secret design

+ photos (my biggest fear and challenge), crochet stitches page, special stitches drawings, glossary, etc… ughh lol


Want a sneak peek of Winter season and book preview? Below is a “rich” one:

Winter Pages 01

Winter Pages 04

Winter Pages 05

Winter Pages 02


…  and some sneak peeks of winter accessories (sorry for the very draft pictures – book photos are scheduled ;)

Sneak Peek


And just in time for holidays and to celebrate this milestone in the book’s development…

First, get 60% off on all my pattern until January 1st, 2013! Use code BIG60 at checkout. The coupon is applicable to myShop and Etsy stores. Offer valid now through January 1th, 2013 midnight PST.

If you may have any questions or issues with applying coupons – please just let me know.

MyLCG Etsy 60x60


On top of our BIG 60% sale, let’s have a GIVEAWAY! One lucky one from anywhere in the world will win a Visa Gift Card of $60 value (for US residents only!) or $60 via PayPal (WORLDWIDE)




Just comment to this post here (on even to say “Hi!” The only requirement is to enter this contest by January 1st, 2013 midnight PST. The winner will be randomly picked up and notified next day, January 2nd, 2013. Good luck!


May this year of 2013 be
a year of health & happiness
a year of wealth & wisdom
a year of peace & prosperity
And also, a year of love, laughter and joy!



Sincerely Yours.

Alla Koval Designs

Over a Cup. Shooting Manual

Beyond Snapshots

… Looks as my another dream will come true shortly ;o)

As you probably know, one of my dream is to be a boss of my own camera, but I never had enough time/motivation or probably just did not know where to start. Usually I set my camera on Aperture priority mode and shoot. It works not bad, but I know that photos taken by my Nikon D500 (especially with lens as AF_S DX Micro NIKKOR 85mm f/3.5G ED VR and Nikon 35mm f/1.8 DX) can be much better and with min editing in Ps.

I am one of those people who learn better by reading books/googling and going out and shooting rather than taking classes – probably because I never have enough time patience to take classes and end up reading or on the computer at midnight. Most photography books I saw so far are technically overwhelming, or as dry and dull as the camera manuals themselves…

Thanks to Rita of CoffeShop blog, I’ve ordered Beyond Snapshots: How to Take That Fancy DSLR Camera Off "Auto" and Photograph Your Life like a Pro and love it so far. Beyond Snapshots is actually a great intro/refresher for shooting manual and you will find some great inspiration in the photos in the book.  Perfect book even for beginners (as me!).


P.S.: If you have friends, who want to study photography or their own camera at least – keep in mind, that book is always great a gift idea! I’ve just ordered some ;o)


Have a nice and lovely day!

Alla Koval Designs

Style Sheet for Patterns

Style Sheet

SS Pages03

Even if I have published my patterns since 2008, I am happy and proud owner of Style sheet for knitting and crochet patterns … finally :)


How To Say It

If you are looking for polishing your pattern-style or plan to start write patterns, I would highly recommend Edie Eckman’s How to Say It class. I learned what I was looking for I can’t be more happy with quite detailed and information filled lessons! Thank you so much Edie!!


Alla Koval Designs

How To Prevent “Bad Breaks” in Crochet & Knit Patterns. Formatting with InDesign CS5

I worked of final editing of first part of book, and technical editor drew my attention (Thanks a LOT!!) that patterns may be easier to track if there is no line breaks between the instruction and the number, as you can see it below – "ch 4" should be on the same line. 


Well, actually it’s not a mistake and you may not care, but I do. And if you are working in InDesign, to fix these “bad breaks” will take just couple minutes  – so why not ;o)


BUT, first of all. I would NOT recommend to fix these breaks manually by inserting white spaces or forced line breaks (Shift+Enter/Shift+Return). Not only it will take plenty amount of your time (especially if you are working on 150+ pages long document, and here is no guarantee that you will find all instances where it happened), but also you may get new worse breaks as shown below.

  • “Ch 3” break was fixed by applying forced line breaks:


  • Then we added “see Special Stitches and Notes” and look what happened (see second line, plus we’ve got another bad break – “32 V-sts”)



To prevent “bad breaks” with InDesign CS5*, the trick is to turn all instances needed to “No Break” style.

*I’ll no wonder if older versions of InDesign or other editors have the same “No Break” style feature or something like that.


[dropcap]1[/dropcap] Create new character (Go to Type > Character Style (Shift+11) > Create new style).
Set up:

– Style Name:  No Break
– check “No Break“ check-box
– click OK.



I also assigned Character Color to see these styles. I’ll change color before release:



So now you have a Character Style which will prevent InDesing from breaking words. You may apply it manually (select 2-3 words in the paragraph and assign Character Style to the selection) and see how it works. Simply add text before selection to push it to the right and see how it will “jump” to the next line as single block.

Next step is to force InDesign to find all the places like “Ch 3” or “ch-5 sp” and similar and apply “No Break” style automatically for you.


[dropcap]2[/dropcap] Go to Type > Paragraph Styles (F11) > Your Paragraph Name Style (my is Paragraph) > Edit Paragraph




[dropcap]3[/dropcap] The feature what we are looking for is called “GREP” and it is one of the Paragraph Style Options.
Go to GREP Style  and click "New GREP Style”.



Set up:

– Apply Style: No Break
– type into the field To Text this text: V-st
– check “Preview” check box to verify results – all “V-st” are highlighted in orange, which means that they are in “No Break” style. And if you add extra text to force line breaks you can see that our “V-sts” issue is fixed. BUT “32” is now on the different line with “V-sts”, so our goal, to prevent line break between instruction and number, is not met yet.




[dropcap]4[/dropcap] To prevent line break between instructions and numbers,
simple add 3 new GREP styles: just copy/paste these formulas (one per style, please ;):

(?i)\d\d*( |-)(ch|dc|tr|sl|V-st)

(?i)(ch|dc|tr|sl|st)( |-)\d\d*\**

(?i)(from |to |at )\*+


What above means is that:

– (?i) – means ignore case and treat capital or lower characters same way

– \d\d*\** – means one or more digits (followed by zero or many *)

– ( |-) – means one space or dash

– (ch|dc|tr|sl|V-st) – means ch, dc, tr, sl or V-st. You may add more to this expression, just separate sts with pipe |. Also please note that V-st has capital V but this doesn’t matter as we put (?i) to ignore case.

– (from |to |at ) – means “from “ or “to “ or “at “ including one space

– \*+ – means one or more *

So when InDesign will see a text matching one of defined expressions, it will apply selected style to that text:




AND that’s all & magic happened :o) Now you will have all  corrections immediately as you type.

Then only thing you should be aware of – all that magic will work only in the selected Paragraph Style. If you have other Paragraph Style where you also need to block similar line breaks, you’ll have to add GREP Styles to that Paragraph Style also.

Oh, and make sure to change color of No Break characters back to regular one when you will find that everything work correctly and not least – before you send the document to the printer.


Another example is to apply bold style to all Rnds/Rows: at the beginning of each paragraph. For that, you can use this GREP Style:


Which means:

– ^ – means beginning of Paragraph

– .* – means any character, zero or many times

– : – means, well it means itself – colon :  Smile



P.S.: BTW, did you hear about Adobe’s Creative Cloud? All Adobe applications are available for $49.99 a month in one year subscription, $79.99 per month without a subscription, or $29.99 a month for students and teachers for the entire collection of all applications, which adobe promises will be the latest version without ever needing to pay anything extra. If you want see if Creative Cloud is worth it, Adobe offers a free 30 day trial


Happy Thursday, everyone!!

Imagical Seasons. Crocheted Dryad Scarf Pattern

Dryad Scarf


Be a tree spirit for the day when you wrap yourself in this enchanting two-tone scarf! Made to match the Dryad Vest, this lovely accessory features elegant openwork stitches and shell patterns. Loops of chain stitches are worked down the center of the piece for a striking contrast, while picot trim adorns the straight edge and the shells on the opposite side. Fringe or pompoms attached at the scarf ends will ensure a perfect drape!

The design is suitable for any sport weight yarn, and made with pima cotton or bamboo blend it will have a wonderfully soft and smooth texture. Watch it reflect the light like leaves in the sun!


Skill Level

Finished Size
7” (18 cm) wide x 60” (152 cm) long without

Sport weight (#2 Fine).
Shown: Knit Picks Shine Sport (60% pima cotton, 40% Modal® natural beech wood fiber; 110 yd [100 m]/1.75 oz [50 g]): 3 skeins of #6561 green apple, 2 skeins of #6315 peapod.

18 dc x 8 rows = 4” (10 cm).
Gauge is not critical for this design.


* This pattern crochet skills only.

6 pages, 1 picture, 1 diagram.


Dryad Scarf Pages


Copyright: All rights reserved. Please be respectful of the designer’s rights to this pattern. No portion of this work may be photocopied or reproduced by any means without written authorization from Alla Koval Designs. The purchaser of this pattern is granted permission to sell the finished product for profit on a limited basis. © 2012 Alla Koval Designs, Inc.


This pattern is available in my Shop, Etsy, Raverly, DaWanda, Artfire and YCMT.

my-lcg[1] etsy[1] ravelry[1] daWanda[1] artfire[1] ycmt[1]


Alla Koval Designs

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