Category: Life
Blast From The Past
December 18, 2018 | Filled under Creations, Kids, Life |
That Magic Mood
December 12, 2018 | Filled under Kids, Life |
Hello 2018!!! Our Holiday Adventures
January 2, 2018 | Filled under Holidays, Life |
Hi my dears! How is your 2018 so far?! ;o)
I am still under absolutely wonderful memories and emotions …and have a bit lazy day. Tomorrow I’ll be back to my lovely work, but today I decided to share with you some pictures and videos from our such exciting, enjoyable and full of surprises holiday season.
This is perhaps the first year when I finished all scheduled projects until December 20; my husband took a mini vacation, – and we were able to fully enjoy almost two weeks of our friend’s visit from the CA.
Christmas was absolutely awesome! In the morning, friends invited us to join ride on their yacht. Afternoon, it began to snow, which is not typical for Seattle, but certainly added a festive mood! Plus we hosted a party with our lovely friends – what could be better!
And here is that moment, when you ask husband to share a photo from the museum for your blog post, and he sends you a link to the entire album:
Afternoon, it began to snow, which is not typical for Seattle, but certainly added a right mood! Plus we hosted a party with our lovely friends – what could be better!
My lovely Autumn fern and me taking the picture :
Our Imagical front yard on Christmas Eve:
And back yard:
The Sammamish lake in 5 minutes-walking-distance:
Last week of 2017 was extremely busy and exciting: such fun with lots of friends, Summit ski resort, Leavenworth Christmas lights, Flying Heritage & Combat Armor museum on one rainy Seattle day – just to name a few
Leavenworth Christmas Lights:
Flying Heritage & Combat Armor museum:
I even managed to avoid the holiday’s cooking – we were at a New Year’s show. But I think I was probably the only one who cooked breakfast on the January 1st, but, crêpes with red caviar is one of our favorite dishes!
January 1st 2018 breakfast:
OK, that’s all! Looking forward for my very first working day tomorrow!! ;о)))
P.S.: Yes, I wrote down all passwords
Our Weekend & More
August 15, 2016 | Filled under Life |
I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since my family returned from a trip…
What a busy and fun this summer to enjoy! And as a person who’s really can’t stand the heat, this summer with a temperature of 70-80F is ideal for me ;o))
I am so happy with my “new baby” and I took some pictures to show our garden progress.
Below is a Red Korean ginseng blossom – these tiny pink flowers are pure eye candy. BTW, if gardening is your hobby too, you are welcome to join my Gardening board on Pinterest.
Our patio’s corner. From left to right: Red Korean ginseng, dwarf European Fun palm, Japanese forest grass, lavender tree, dwarf Japanese maple, more ginseng in blue handing container and variety of herb in wood container and even in fun small pots.
My absolute favorite Japanese forest grass:
Delicious Alpine strawberry:
Some vegies and Alpine poppy:
Did I mentioned that I am so enjoy my new garden hobby?! ;o))
On Saturday we visited Ice Caves (North Cascades). Very easy walk to views of Big Four Mountain and the caves beneath the snow, but see show-in-a-summer it’s a key.
And on Sunday Igor, me, Kristin and her friend so enjoined hike to Poo Poo Point. What a LOVELY place!! It was our first hike to Poo Poo Point, but we definitely will be back! There are so many trails we would love to hike. And another my dream is paragliding. Well, it will be a true challenge for me because I always was terribly afraid of heights… but this fear definitely should be fixed ;o))
Ok, now I am hurry back to my lovely work! How is your summer?
A wonderful and lovely Monday everyone!!
Life Lately | June News & Updates
June 28, 2016 | Filled under Creations, In The News, Life |
What a busy, exciting and full of surprises month for many reasons!!
Well, we love beginning of every June, because here are al least 4 reasons: our Anniversary, Igor’s parents and my dad Birthdays (my daddy turned 70 this year, oh my – I can’t believe it!!)
In the other news, can you imagine that Kristin graduated middle school?! And sure, MOST exciting news is that yesterday, Igor and Kristin started a-little-trip-around-world-in-23-days (Thailand-Ukraine-Israel) and this morning they landed in Thailand for 5 days! I had many trips with my dad during my childhood, and I bet this one will be unforgettable for our daughter as well as for Igor! I am so happy we did this happened! I did not join because, unfortunately, I am not in good “relationships” with summer and hot weather, but I am looking forward for Europe-trip in late spring or early fall someday ;o)
So, I have 22 more days, which are already scheduled and seems pretty busy. This morning I started another yoga challenge and already took 6:00 am class. I really feel so blessed to afford myself back to work after months of dealing with “golfer’s elbow tendinitis (and I am not a golfer ;)) Not fan at all, but giving my poor hand some rest and treatment, I feel so happy and excited back to work! Plus I got a garden-aka-new-hobby since I can’t just sit and do nothing, and to my surprise, I definitely hooked!
Oh, we also did modeling for my newest hats. Many thanks to Lana Maytak for photo-shoot and her friend for such lovely adorable models!! More photos of another designs coming soon ;o)
Below is another option of Ladybug hat… I really LOVE how playful this design is! Not to mention that testing pattern, I created a Marguerite hat (pretty close to that blue/white hat, but with some unusual details ;o)) The pattern for hats and Marguerite Pin is coming pretty soon!! I’ll keep you updated!
A wonderful and lovely Tuesday anyone!!
Yes, it’s official…
April 26, 2016 | Filled under Life |
…. to my surprise, my gardening journey finally started on April, 21th!
Well, I was always in awe with my dearest friend Annya Uslontseva and just adore her whimsical garden but I just can’t imagined gardening by myself. Even if I designed and did all brick works (terraces) and planting on our front yard 12 years ago, and enjoy caring dozen indoor plants, gardening always sounded a lot responsibility and to-much-time-eater to me… But this year something magically changed (do you think is it age?! ;o)). Plus my partner in crime got “that” fever too and started gardening couple weeks ago… So, seems as we got another “collaboration idea” with Lana Maytak we are already hooked and excited about ;o) If you are not familiar with Lana, she’s beyond-talented-photographer behind my Imagical Season books and some other our projects.
I promise, I’ll not boring you with post about our gardening often but I would like to show you some pictures how it’s started and what is progress so far (read in 4 days ;o)
Before (lot’s of gravel and soil with tons of living roots from our 35-40 years old maple tree in the center of backyard):
Our first ”strawberry field”:
Some herbs (and baby lavender) on our deck:
… and sure, some flowers!! I am so happy with Lily of the valley!! They are my most favorite Spring flowers!! And BTW, they make a wonderful groundcover too. I will plant them somewhere in a shade when finish designing our backyard ;o)
P.S.: Looks like I am hooked … and working on Strawberry Delight Blanket pattern and Secret Meadow collection, I feel so extremely happy and enjoy every moment!!!
Happy Tuesday everyone!!
Liebster Blog Award
January 21, 2015 | Filled under Featured, Life |
I was recently nominated by sweet Lin Wibisono at CrochetRockstar to participate in the Liebster Award. After spending some time with Google, I learned [kinda] that:
- This award exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers.
- It has German origins – the word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
- It follows similar principles as a chain letter, in the sense that it should be passed forward to a certain number of people.
Well, this is simply a way of getting to know each other. Sounds fun!
It wouldn’t be award without a set of rules, and the blogging world is no exception. In accepting this award, a blogger will follow the following rules. It is a way to “Pay It Forward” to other bloggers.
The Rules
If you have been nominated below for the Liebster Award and you choose to accept it, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
- Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link on your blog.
- Display the award on your blog by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget.
- Answer 11 questions about yourself, provided to you by the person who nominated you.
- Give 11 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5 to 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award; who have less than 1000 followers.
- Create a new list of questions for the nominated bloggers to answer.
- List these rules in your post. (You can copy and paste them from here.)
- Once you have written your post and published it, you then have to inform the bloggers whom you’ve nominated for the Liebster award. Remember to give a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
Here we go ;o)
My answers to Lin’s Libster Award questions
1. What is your favourite hook?
I just love ebony hooks from Lantern Moon (I wish they have C/2 (2.75 mm) size hook, which is my favorite).
2. Anyone else crocheting in your family?
My mom and niece.
3. How many hours a week do you spend crocheting?
I am extremely lucky because my hobby is my main work. So, if I not working on the patterns, my books, publications, new website, drawing diagrams, typing, reading, learning, socializing, workout, walking, cooking—I bet you will find me with hook or needles… ;o)
4. Will you teach a family member to crochet?
I do not think I’m a good teacher, but I’ll do my best by request.
5. Where do you crochet?
Mainly, in front of my computer, sitting in a comfy chair with our adorable Chihuahua Pixie on my lap, and watching something interesting or reading a book (if knitting). The others places: in the car or airplane (during our trips), sometimes on the beach or during camping time.
6. Do you have a crochet group?
No any at this time.
7. Who inspire you to crochet the first time?
A kindergarten’s teacher. I was 5 years old and crocheted my first flower with very long chain (read stem)!
8. What is the most expensive yarns you ever bought and what did you make with it?
I believe it was Prism Peacock (about $90 per hank). I’ve knitted a wrap for my friend with it.
9. Do you make item for yourself or to sell?
Since 2008, when I started to work on patterns, mostly I do design and make samples for my patterns. Or something for my Kristin by her request, and gifts for her and my friends.
10. What is the coolest thing you have crocheted?
The first hat and booties for my daughter I knitted about a week before Kristin was born.
11. Why do you blog?
When I started blogging almost eight years ago it was for a very simple reason—I wanted my very own little “corner” in the Internet universe to share everything about my passion and things I love to do: my creations, patterns, tips and experience. I was surprised at how quickly I meet many wonderful and talented people online, and how the blogging community is friendly, encouraging, and genuinely cheering for you to succeed. I was hooked. Well… now I blog to express myself and my ideas, to supplement my business, to put my creation out into the world…
Random Facts about me
- My first name reads the same backwards and forwards [aka palindrome].
- About 90% of my wardrobe are black & white. Favorite print (since I was a child) is still a polka dots.
- I am not a fan of chocolate, candies, cakes and any other sweeties at all.
- Graduated from University of Economy, I worked 8 years as computer programmer (go figure) until our moving to US.
- I’m totally crazy on tropical plants, which are successfully adopted in our not too tropical climate ;o) My absolute favorite are Golden bamboo, Japanese forest grass, Maranta (family Marantaceae) …just to name a few.
- Recently I lifted 165 lbs weight bar during the morning workout at Emprowered Recreation.
- I still love and collect cute plush toys. My favorite are: pandas, penguins, hedgehogs and absolutely adorable handmade dolls by Adushka.
- Another my big love are owls, and I have a huge collections of them—plush ones, ornaments, paintings, etc.…
- I always hated to be pictured. To my surprise, I found that out tiny Pixie is on the same page with me. But we did it couple weeks ago for coming Imagical Seasons™ book series. Many thanks to Lana Maytak for the Magic and patience with us!
- My Birthday is a first day of Taurus.
- In 2014 I donated 17 pairs of shoes. Don’t ask how many pairs I have in my closet ;o)
Done! Now it’s time to nominate… I nominate:
My questions to the bloggers nominated are:
- What is your favorite yarn to work with?
- Who inspire you to crochet the first time?
- What project are you currently working on, or want to get started with?
- What is your favorite place to knit/crochet?
- What is the coolest thing you have knitted/crocheted?
- Favorite color combination(s)?
- Coffee or tea?
- What is your favorite season of the year?
- If you could go on vacation anywhere right now where would you go?
- If your friends had to describe you in one word what would it be?
- Did you ever think you would start a blog?
Happy reading, and congrats to all the new nominees! xo!
It’s official
November 17, 2014 | Filled under Life |
Our baby girl just turned 13… can you believe it?! ;o) Kristin is not just a beautiful and lovely teen, she’s the most amazing thirteen year old we have ever seen. Happy Birthday sweetheart!!!
To celebrate 13th Birthday, Kristin with her 8 best friends went to Laser Quest Federal Way (official part). And sure, after that girls had a sleepover fun. Girls had a blast …and Igor and I survived ;o)
Girls liked the picture below the most – who’s legs are under Kristin and Vika (left side of photo)?
Well, I definitely have a “gift” to photography hehe;o)
A lovely and fabulous week everyone!!!
In the News ;)
July 14, 2014 | Filled under In The News, Life, Writing a book |
I can’t believe how lovely and exciting summer time we have this year!
Igor and I always worked so hard, last couple years up to 14-16 hours a day, so we decided to take a little break and afford some rest.
Our daughter Kristin also got some “unusual” experience – she’s (with her friend) now at rhythmic gymnastic summer camp (Los Angeles, CA) for 2 weeks. It’s first time when we are separated with her for such long time, and we so glad that she looks so excited and happy!! Not to mention that after camp they do enjoy the ocean ;o)
Since Kristin was never excited for long car trips, we decided to realize one of our dreams of long travel, and yesterday Igor and I drove around Olympic Peninsula – visited Ocean Shores (-20F from Bellevue, but I’ve just LOVED it – I’m not a big fan of 85-90F), Hoh Rain Forest (really big trees, everything else you can see in any park in WA), Forks (vampires stores, High School looks different from what you see in the movie :)), Port Angeles (too many cops for small city), ferry to Seattle (we were lucky to wait only 2 minutes!) …. Tough day… 450+ miles, but with lots of fun ;o)
In two days (on Wednesday), we will fly to LA, CA to pick up Kristin and her friend, and will be back Saturday evening.
AND on Sunday, I’ll off for 3 days trip with Klondike travel to the lavender festival, with a visit to Olympic National Park (Arina, my friend and the owner of Klondike travel, assured me that we missed lots of thing we must see that area), and then, – Portland, Oregon. How exciting!!
Oh, and just after my return, I’ll post the details of my first four (yes, 4!!! ;) books I’ve almost finished (approx. 75-98 pages each): one of them still need photos (we will work on them just in next couple weeks), some patterns need descriptions and tech editing, books needed introductions, bio, indexes, etc. parts… Oh, but we have covers!!! Here is a sneak peek of Spring book cover (well, even in pretty draft version so far):
P.S.: If I would ever knew how MUCH time would it take to design, learn (and then learn again!), write, draw stitch diagrams and schematic, edit, page making and so on … I would still take that journey again and again! :p)
Happy Father’s Day!!
June 15, 2014 | Filled under Holidays, Life |
Lets Get Connected