» Over a Cup » Over a Cup. New category added!
Over a Cup. New category added!
May 25, 2012 | Filled under Over a Cup |
I bet everyone enjoys a quick cup of coffee or tea—it sharpens the mind, brightens the day, and leaves you refreshed and ready to get back to work! Let me share the interesting snippets and tidbits I come across while having my daily cup.
BTW, which is your favorite drink—coffee or tea? I enjoy both, but in a morning my favorite drink is definitely coffee for some reasons:
To find more interesting snippets and links please feel free to join me at Pinterest, Google+ and FaceBook.
Happy Friday everyone!! Have a nice long weekend!! I’ll share with you something new next week, stay tuned ;o)
Alla Koval Designs
I prefer coffee, but I am really starting to like tea a lot…I never used to drink coffee on a regular basis, but I have started drinking it every day…tea though is so good for you, and I am starting to try to drink a few cups of tea a day now…I love all the flavors! Have a great day, Alla! :)
I always was a coffee addict, but since last two years I felt in love with tea, especially when discovered such amazing places as Upton Tea Imports: http://www.uptontea.com/shopcart/home.asp. You are right – so many lovey flavors and kinds of tea to enjoy ;)
I’m definitely a coffee lover!
ME 3 X) i am a coffee lover but due to our VERY HOT CLIMATE i can’t have it on regular basis. Tea is my 2nd opt and so far my fav flavor is “Black currant”
have a nice weekend Alla =)