Spring/summer’2009 preview I. Hibiscus Halter Top
October 9, 2008 | Filled under Creations |
…A Crocheted Halter top with square shaped skirt and featured the satin ribbons
all around. Kristin’s and my favorite so far and the possibilities is endless!
This halter can be made in any colors with matches or contrasting ribbons in one
or several colors. The ribbons can be placed every 2nd or 3rd rows. Made from
elann.com Pure Bamboo, but any other drape baby sport yarn will work too.
Wow, this is sooo beautiful !!!
Thank you so much Heidi!
where can i get this pattern for the crocheted halter top?
Thank you your interest in this pattern, Mary.
It’s already on my schedule ;) I’ll keep you updated when pattern will be available for sell.
Oh Alla! I LOVE this pattern! My daughter who is a size 10/12 loves this one too (hint, hint maybe you can include that size in your pattern too!)
Yet another wonderful creation!
GORGEOUS!! You created a popular style halter in crochet. Fantastic! :D What could be better than that?!
I can’t wait ’til you start working up the patterns for all these wonderful new tops.
So all the pics are taken in Miami… wow! I need to go there! LOL!!
Thank you so much Sarah and Julie!!
Julie, Thank you for the interest in bigger size and hint ;) I’ve get several requests for bigger sizes and will do my best to add them ASAP!
Потрясающая новая модель! Очень стильная, как и все ваши модели! Меня просто потрясают детали: маленькая шнуровочка на лифе, ленточки продетые сквозь вязаную сеточку. Я просто влюбилась в ваши модели!
Ах, огромное спасибки Елена!! Я обожаю добавлять все эти мелкие детали, пусть это даже и занимает некоторое время :)
Алла, как здорово, что можно по-русски! ;)
А я правильно предполагаю, что эта модель связана из Catania?