Category: eBay
May 11, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay |
I’ve just listed on eBay an OOAK Mermaid Set, we made with Gaby for charity WELOVEMUD launch.
The auction is for Hand Knitted Halter Top with detachable collar and Stunning Twirl skirt by Gaby.
All proceeds of this listing will be donated to the Yurgatis family. Thank you for stopping by!
Les papillons
March 10, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay |
One of my favorites. A knit top in chevrone pattern with large crocheted butterfly on the front.
Gaby did an AWESOME work again and I just love how this mini collection turned out!
Make sure to check Gaby’s auction and here you can find my sample top
March 6, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay |
I am thrilled to be participating in guest launch with ebay’s group AnthologyInc.
The theme is REFLECTION and I decided go with Reflection of Tropical Beauty.
To purchase this top click here
Xoxo Ladybug
March 1, 2008 | Filled under eBay |
Fruity Fun
February 25, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay, Patterns |
WhooHoo, I finally got a chance to finish my Fruity collection!
Some tops are OOAK, but I’m on the half way with writing patterns and hope to finish them soon ;)
To find more details and discover this yummy collection click here or click on links bellow to see each auction:
Watermelon Pineapple Cherry Strawberry
(strawberry is my last year design, but think that it fit perfectly to the theme, so I decided offer it one more time)
Наконец-то выдался шанс закончить мою фруктовую коллекцию!
Некоторые топы OOAK (единственные в своем роде), но я начала работать над инструкциями как их связать ;)
Для более подробной информации о этой коллекции жми здесь или на ссылки выше.
Confetti top
February 13, 2008 | Filled under eBay |
I’ve just spotted an auction of our last year mini collaboration with Gaby – my top and her Stunning Skirt set.
Please click here to take a look if you have a second.
Только что обнаружила, что продается наша летняя мини коллекция прошлого лета – мой топ и комплект от Gaby
Здесь можно приобрести этот комплект.
Happy Easter
January 31, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay |
Another fun collaboration with my sweet friend and Amazing designer from Germany!
It’s always a pleasure to work with Gaby and we got many fun collections, but I think this one is my favorite so far!
I love everything about it… colors, style, pictures!
Еще одна наша совместная работа с моей подругой и дизайнером из Германии!
Всегда удовольствие работать с Gaby, но думаю, что эта мини-коллекция одна из моих любимых!
Мне нравиться все – цветовая гамма, стиль, фотографии.
Подробнее о моем свитере и где можно купить жми здесь
To find more details and where purchase this OOAK sweater click here
Посмотреть Gaby’s аукционы можно здесь
Make sure to click here to see Gaby’s auctions.
January 12, 2008 | Filled under Creations, eBay |
A funny story about this Ladybug Top is that planned and started as OOAK Minnie Top, last minute Krsitin asked if it’s not too late to turn it into a Ladybug theme instead. Well, we’ve got lots of fun to “transform” it! LOL
To see the custom auction please click here
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