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С Днем Рождения, моя сестричка!!!

… Happy Birthday MY Dear Ira, Happy Birthday to YOU!! ;o) Isn’t SHE IS

My youngest is having a B-day party today! Is here anyone who would
like to join?!!! I wish I could!! But here are some 10th thousands miles 
between us :( Anyways, it was SO AWESOME to hear YOU!!! Ируся… и
ОГРОМНОЕ спасибки за столь обалденное общение  вчера!!!! I JUST
LOVE YOU!!!!!! Did I tell you that you are THE BEST?!!! ;o) BIG HUGS to
Lisa and Anya!!

Oh and I am not sure if I even posted picture of my parents… the BEST
parents in the world… Мам и пап! С Днем рождения ВАС младшенькой
и с моим, наступающим ;o)
Funny, but we have exactly 2 weeks between our B-days with my Sister
and mine is exactly in two weeks from now… I can’t believe I’ll turn such 
amount of years … but DO not feel that age… do you think is it a time to
visit a Dr?! ;) JK!

8 Responses to С Днем Рождения, моя сестричка!!!

  1. 1
    Becia says:

    Oh, what a lovely post :) Happy birthady to your sis and you if it is so soon!!! Your parents does look like the best parents…

    My only one sis lives in London, so thousands miles away from me but we should thanks to internet for such great opportunity to be closer to our families, don’t we?

  2. 2
    Becia says:

    Sorry it had to be Happy Birthady :)

  3. 3
    Sandra says:

    A Happy Birthday to Ira. You got a nice family. Yes it is very hard when your family is soooo far away …
    NO worry you still look young Dear Alla, no need to pay a visit to a Dr.

  4. 4
    Люба says:

    Алла, поздравляю Вашу сестру Иру и всех вас с Днем рождения!:-) Здоровья и удачи желаю!
    Какие у Вас родители молодые и красивые:-)

    P.S. мелким шрифтом – у меня ДР тоже через две недели 21.04:-))))))))

  5. 5
    Alla says:

    Thank you SO MUCH everyone!!!

    Beata, I also have only one sister. That two girls on 3rd picture are her daughters ;)

    Люба, правда?! ;) Только не говорите, что вы тоже 70-го года “выпуска”… хотя иногда сталкиваешься и не с такими совпадениями :))) Just kidding! Кстати, давно хотела вам сказать, что мою маму тоже зовут Люба ;)


  6. 6
    Люба says:

    Я в 72-м родилась:-)
    Да уж совпадения с именами и датами:-)



  7. 7
    Alla says:

    exactly like my sister :) Вот уж воистину совпадения!!!

  8. 8
    Becia says:

    Well, they all look like sisters ;) and so familiar to you and your daughter!!!

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